~+The Rooms+~

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    You open up your eyes to an unknown room, however as you look around more it is a dimly lit room,with many beds, from what you can see from out of the windows is it already past 5pm. As you look around your bed,you are surrounded by baskets of goodies,balloons,notes,flowers,and of corse you had your sister laying her head on the edge of your bed as she slept.

    You loved your sister so much,and she had always been their first you. You could see your mothers bag beside a chair on the opposite side of your bed, however your mother wasn't their. As you looked at your sister she looked Exhausted,she looked absolutely horrible. She had dark circles under her eyes,her hair looked like it hadn't been washed in days, and you could see that she had a faint circle of adhesive from her dexcom.

    You sister had now been diagnosed with type one diabetes for 5 years now, she was 12 years old and handling diabetes like a champ. Diabetes is a life long "illness". It is not contagious. You need to have a pump, or take shots of insulin every single day, or else you could end up in the hospital,go into a coma,or if it gets really bad,you could die, however the odds of that happing are very low.

    However seeing your sister at this stage broke your heart,you could tell that even with her sleeping that she was exhausted,and stressed out, and you felt terrible. You attempted to sit up you immediately felt a sharp pain. You looked down at your arm and saw an IV, and you looked down at your leg to see a leg boot.

    So all that you know, you have a raging headache,an IV,and something wrong with your foot, and who know what else.

    You had gone back to sleep,and when you woke,this time clemensia,and your sister were be your side, and it was now light out. You attempted to sit up,however you could it still hurt, but you could sit up, so who's complaining?

"What happened?" You asked with a very weak voice. It hurt to speak so much,however you can blame that on dehydration.
"You passed out after class, and fell.." Clemmy said. "How do you feel?" She asked, hoping for a good answer.
"Mostly numb, it hurts to sit up,but I'll be fine." You said as if that was a good thing.

    You looked down at your little sister as she looked up at you. You could see the pain in her eyes as you talked about your pain. You could tell that she felt horible for you even though she had absolutely nothing to do with it, it pained you to her her like this, your normally really happy,bubbly,and overly excited sister,now sad, stressed,and almost depressed, however you said nothing to her. I mean what could you say to her?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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