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"Happy birthday," Atira told Krist in a sing-song voice as his eyes popped open.

He brushed a hair out of her face, "Thank you, baby," he told her with a sleepy grin.

She bent down, kissing him, "I took today off, you should call in."

Krist smiled, "Alright."

Atira lightly teased his earlobe with her tongue and teeth, he was definitely awake. "Do you want to take a shower with me? Rocco is still sleeping."

Krist pulled her in, kissing her, "Hell yeah."

She lead him into the bathroom locking the bathroom door behind her and running the shower. Krist brushed his teeth, not trying to offend his wife with his stank ass morning breath, especially being that she was pregnant and extra sensitive to smell.

Atira disrobed, stepping into the shower. Her breasts were visibly larger and her nipples darker but nothing else screamed pregnancy about her body, she just looked like she'd had a big breakfast.

Krist followed her, eager for what was in store. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply, hand slipping between her legs. Atira pulled back smiling, biting her bottom lip and lowered to her knees.

He braced himself against the wall, closing his eyes as she worked his hard cock eagerly with her mouth and hands. As much as he enjoyed what she was doing, he was craving her.

Motioning for her to stand, he turned her around, gesturing her to bend down and arch her back. Krist slid his member inside of her, letting out a shaky breath. Fuck she felt good and with her being pregnant, her cervix sat higher and he could get deeper than normal.

Krist pumped slow, savoring each stroke, watching as the water dripped down her body. Her breath was getting deeper, he could tell she was getting close to climax.

She gave a soft groan, her body cringe acting tightly around his cock. Krist picked up his pace, nearly passing out from his climax, his semen filling her.

"Goddamn, baby," he sighed, bending down and kissing her back.

Atira looked over her shoulder, smiling, "Goddamn is right."

As they dressed, Rocco pounded on the door, police style, "Hurry up! I have to pee!"

"Yikes," Atira whispered, throwing on her bathrobe and tying it tight around her waist, "I'll get dressed in the bedroom."

Krist wrapped a towel himself, opening the door, "All your's, bro."

Rocco looked from Atira to his father and back to Atira, judging. "Why did you shower at the same time?" He demanded.

"To save water, duh," Krist told him, patting his son on the top of the head.

"You thought of that way too easily," Atira teased as they stepped into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Krist laughed, "Seriously, it comes naturally once you got kids. They ask the most random, dumb shit sometimes so you just have to make something up and say it with confidence otherwise you get hit with the 'why' a thousand times."

"Good to know, good to know," Atira smiled, impressed, as she pulled on a pair of high-waisted black leggings and gray sweater dressed that tied in the front.

"Damn, your boobs look fucking good in that," Krist grinned, appreciating what he saw.

Atira's cheeks reddened, "Is it too low?"

"Hell no," Krist told her, "Any lower though and I ain't gonna be wanting to leave the room though." He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"You're such a perv," she teased.

Krist hugged her from behind and kissed her neck, "You love it."

"And that's why I'm pregnant," she laughed.


Krist and Atira took Rocco to breakfast before dropping him off at Headstart.

"We have four child-free hours, what do you want to do?" Atira asked when Krist returned to the car.

Krist smirked, "I got a few ideas."

Atira tilted her head, smiling playfully. "Clothed or...not?"

He raised his eyebrows at her, "First I want to get my free birthday drink at Dutch."

"You got it," she smiled.

"What's up with that house, by the way? Did they turn down the offer? I thought we were supposed hear from them no later than yesterday." Krist said.

"That's what I thought also."


Once they stopped at Dutch Bros for Krist's birthday drank, the couple returned home to fulfill Krist's birthday wishes. After an extended session, they laid in bed, Atira put Krist's hand on her lower belly.

"What's that, the baby?" Krist asked, feeling only a hard bulge, maybe the size of a small melon.

"No, it's my uterus," she replied, "It's Braxton-Hicks contractions, I started getting them the other day."

Krist looked at her concerned, "Is that bad?"

"I guess it's super normal," she told him, "Just kind of weird to actually see."

Krist left his hand on her stomach, "Is he still staying active?"

Atira smiled, looking at Krist's hand on her, "I've noticed more so first thing in the morning and then right at bed he gets going. He's a little night owl."

Krist slung his arm over Atira, nuzzling her, "I say this a lot but it's crazy to think that a year ago none of this, where we are now, would have crossed my mind."

She nodded, eyes widening slightly, "I know right. Ugh, a year ago I was still with Kevin."

"Gross," Krist told her with a smirk.

Atira rolled over and straddled him, pinning his hands above his head, "You're one to talk," she grinned, leaning down to kiss him.

"Good thing my standards have increased and you've lowered yours," he teased her.

Before the next round could begin, Atira's phone rang. She groaned, "Ughhhh," before looking at the screen. A smile spread across her face, "It's the realtor!"

"Answer!" Krist told her, gripping her hips so that she was slowly grinding him.

Atira giggled, "Stahhhp!" She warned him, answering the call, "Hello, Atira speaking....I'm good! How are you?...No worries, I figured you were busy!..." Krist rubbed her thigh with his palm, watching her face change as she processed what was being said. "Uh-huh...uh-huh...really...okay...yes...Yes, absolutely!...No, we aren't super busy right now....definitely!...What time is it now, ten thirty? We can be down there at one, if that's alright?..Yes! Perfect!...Yes, we will see you then!"

Atira began to grin, "They accepted!"

Krist pulled her towards him, hugging her, "Best birthday ever!" He gushed.

She kissed him deeply, "We have to go sign some paperwork and get a cashiers check for the earnest money. I told her we can be there at one."

"Soooo....that means I got a good hour to give you a deep dicking," he laughed, raising his eyebrows at her.

She intertwined her fingers with his, "It's not going to take you an hour," Atira teased.

"C'mon, humor me and play along."

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