chapter 1.

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A/N: So I finally managed to complete this chapter after procrastinating for a couple of weeks lol oops. I hope you enjoy it now that it's finally here and vote and comment and spread the word about this story. :) Ilyasm. x


"What's wrong, babe?"

Aurora shook her head and anxiously bit the tips of her fingernails, staring out of the window while her leg bounced up and down continuously. "Are we almost home? It's starting to get dark and there's less than an hour left until it starts."

I sighed and took one of her hands, interlocking our fingers. "Calm down, hun. We should be there in twenty minutes or so."

"You know I can't help but be worried, Harry. I hate this day. I hate it and literally everything about today terrifies me." She let out a shaky breath and squeezed my hand, exhibiting her dismay.

"I know, I do too."

The event of the annual Purge took place on the same day every year, beginning at seven o'clock in the evening and not ending until twelve hours later. During this time, all human beings in the United States of America had the opportunity to release their anger and animosity towards whoever they so choose. This meant that all crime was legal for twelve hours. And if you just so happened to get injured at some point throughout the night, you had no other option but to try and make it without help until morning.

And if you decided not to retaliate and go out and risk your life, you stayed inside the comforts and safety of your own home. You would lock all of your doors and windows, making sure that all curtains were completely covering the glass so that no one could look inside or out. You would dim all of the lights in your household and keep it as quite as possible in order to not bring attention to anyone purging.

Aurora and I have made it through the past three years of this fuckery together, side by side. And now we're about to make it four.

"We're going to be alright, Ror," I reassured, bringing her hand up to my lips and gently kissing it.

"You say that every year."

I smiled, "And I'm always right."

The car then abruptly started to swerve on the road, the tires losing air at an incredibly fast speed. I dropped Aurora's hand and gripped the steering wheel with both of my own, trying to gain control of the vehicle before we hit anything in our path.

I managed to keep us somewhat in our lane before the tires ran entirely out of air, leaving us alone with a useless vehicle on a nearly deserted highway in the outskirts of Chicago.

"What the fuck?" I breathed, unable to register what had just taken effect in a matter of moments. I ran my hands through my hair and turned to look at Aurora, who seemed to be just as stunned as I was. She was staring straight ahead, hazel eyes wide with both turmoil and fear while her fingers dug into the sides of the seat. "Are you okay?"

She didn't acknowledge me. She continued to sit in the same position for a minute when I noticed that she was panting, her breaths coming out short and rapid.

"Shit." I got out of the vehicle and ran over to the passenger side, opening the door and kneeling down beside her trembling body. I cupped her cheeks with my hands, forcing her to look in my direction. "Hey, hey, it's alright, baby. Breathe, we're okay."

Sweat began to form at her hairline as her attack developed, the shaking of her body worsening. I put a hand on top of her heart, immediately feeling it pound against my skin.

I gulped, becoming nervous myself. I've always been calm and collected during her episodes, knowing just what to do to help her out even slightly while we waited for it to pass. But this was different. She's never had an attack this bad before.

"Ror, look at me. I'm right here. You need to try to breathe, alright? Just try and take slow, deep breaths," I instructed softly, smoothing out her hair and soothingly rubbing her thigh. "Breathe, please, hun."

"Harry," she gasped, trying to even out her breathing but failing. "We're going to die."

I shook my head, "Sh, we're going to be fine. We still have time to find someplace to stay for the night-"

"We're in the middle of a goddamn highway, Harry!"

"But we're not that far from the city. We can steal a car or a bike and get someplace safe before they call it," I suggested meekly, unable to think of anything else.

"Stop," she choked, pushing my chest lightly before burying her face in her small hands. "It was those guys from the grocery. They did something to our car while we were inside shopping."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just look at the tires."

I slowly stood up and walked to the nearest back tire, bending down next to it and carefully analyzing the perimeter of it. I was nearly done looking it over when I caught a glimpse of a tiny void in the rubber. I leaned in closer to get a better look, my eyes confirming what I thought I saw.

Aurora was right. This was done on purpose.

"I can't believe this." I rose to my feet and ran my hands tiredly over my face, unsure of what to do or say next.

This was the first time that something like this has happened to us. We never had a problem during this time of the year. Aurora and I always made sure to be kind to everyone and not get on any bad sides to prevent the chances of this type of situation ever occurring. And now it looks like none of that matters.

"Harry," Aurora called out dryly. "We really need to go."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused until I followed her cold gaze. Further up the highway was the people that we least wanted to see. The four guys from the grocery that stabbed each of our tires were standing there, masks covering their faces to hide their identities and weapons in their hands to use on us once the purge commenced.

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