chapter 5.

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A/N: random but I've been obsessed with anakin skywalker aka hayden christensen for the longest time now and I've spent the majority of my time this summer watching youtube edits of him instead of updating any of my stories. im sorry y'all, pls forgive (and feel free to like and comment on this good but slowly getting shitty halfway through and towards the end new chapter) x


I jumped when Connor shot at the McDonald's glass door, the glass shattering and falling sharply to the ground in a scattered heap. Aurora covered her ears, wincing at the loud noise that it made. The raucous was sure to catch the attention of anyone that was close by.

"Come on," Connor ordered. He casually stepped over the broken glass and entered the building, expecting us to follow.

Aurora looked at me, clearly afraid. I reached for her shaking hand and gave it a squeeze. "It's going to be okay," I whispered, taking the lead between the two of us and following Connor.

It was substantially dark inside the restaurant, only the dim moonlight coming in through the windows. And it wasn't like we could just turn a switch and have all of the lights on. We didn't know where any light switches were. Plus, if we did turn the lights on, it would only attract a crowd. Those who were out purging would realize that this place was occupied and possibly attack. We couldn't take those chances.

"How are we supposed to make anything without any light?" I questioned, wondering what his entire thought process was behind this.

He shrugged, pulling a pack of Orbit gum out of his pocket and throwing a piece into his mouth. "Not sure. I didn't really think about that yet."

"Are you kidding me? Do you think anything through before you go along with it?"

I couldn't believe this guy. And at this rate I was seriously starting to wonder how he had managed to not get killed yet. He was so oblivious to damn near everything, and never seemed to think about anything until it was right in front of his face. It didn't help that he was putting not only his life in danger with his stupidity, but Aurora and I's as well.

"What can I say, kid, I go with the flow."

A bright light suddenly shined into the building, someone using a flashlight to help them scope out the area. Aurora and I ducked down instantaneously as the beam of light went by our heads, just barely making it.

"I knew breaking down the door would lead up to this," I mumbled under my breath, turning to Aurora. "We have to hide."

She nodded quickly, pointing behind the front counter in the direction of the kitchen. "What about in the back?"

"I think that's our only option."

I got down on my knees, figuring that would be the safest way to move to where we wanted to be. Aurora saw what I was doing and followed my lead. We carefully began crawling to the back. Meanwhile, Connor was still on his feet, gun in hand and ready to fire at our uninvited guest. Aurora and I ignored him and slipped right past him on our hands and knees, moving deeper into the shadows and closer to safety.

"What are you two doing?"

"Hiding," I responded, stating the obvious. "Which is what you should be doing. Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

He shook his head, cocking the gun and bringing more attention to himself.  How ironic.  "Whoever is out there undoubtedly knows that we're here, so there's no sense in pretending that we're not. You might as well stand your ground and fight back from the get-go."

I didn't want to admit it, but he did have somewhat of a good point. If you've already been caught, there's no significant reason as to why you should keep running. You would just be prolonging things, when instead you could be getting it over with. We had already been spotted, so therefore we should be ready to fight. The only problem with that was that Aurora and I were unarmed. We couldn't actually defend ourselves like Connor could. So in our case, the better alternative was to keep running.

"Do you have any other plans if that doesn't work?"

"Try and make a run for it back to the car."

The sound of heavy footsteps approached, and I felt Aurora beginning to tremble beside me.  She covered her mouth with her hand in an attempt to stop her teeth from chattering.  We cowered back as far as we could into the darkness, trying to increase the distance between us and the visitor as much as possible.

Connor stared intensely in the predator's direction, aiming with his index finger resting on the trigger.  "Give me your best shot."

"I can't look," Aurora cried softly, burying her face into my shoulder.  I didn't want to watch either, but I couldn't turn away.

Seconds passed before bullets went flying across the restaurant, causing Aurora to scream.  It was so dark that everything was a thousand times more horrifying.  And you couldn't tell where the bullets were going or whose gun it was coming from.  A bullet could have easily been directed our way and neither of us would have known.  Everything was happening too fast.

And suddenly Connor was in front of us, ushering us to get up and start moving.  Bullets were still flying awry, but that didn't matter.  The only thing that mattered was getting out of there, and if we didn't make a move now then we wouldn't stand a chance.  "I thought there was only one of them, but there's at least five.  I don't have enough ammo to kill all of them.  We need to get back to the car and get out of here.  Otherwise, we're done for."

"We obviously can't go out the way we came in, do you think there's another way out?  Maybe the drive-thru window?" I asked, earning a weird look from both Connor and Aurora.  But soon after, the weird looks were replaced by looks of amusement.

"I like the way you think, kid."

anarchy // h.s. (au)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن