chapter 3.

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A/N: Holyfreakingcrap what is this??! Is this really an update???!! Kristel never updates!1!! YES guys this is forreals another chapter, and I'm so happy to post it because it's been over three months since I last posted and I feel bad cause I've been usuals. But I have two AP classes this year so that is why I can barely write anymore.  So since I actually found the time to, I made sure to make this chapter a little longer than usual just for you guys. :)  Thank you so much to the ones that read this and are still interested in reading it, you guys are the x


It felt like we had been on our feet for hours, when in reality it had only been about fifteen minutes.  Our thoughts were jumbled, neither of us able to think straight as sounds of terror enclosed us.  My legs shook and my feet ached as we continued to run to no place in particular.

I looked beside me to see Harry beginning to stumble slightly, struggling to keep up with the nonstop running marathon that we had somehow gotten ourselves into.  "There has to be someplace that we can stop for a minute.  Maybe there's a car that no one's using?  What about over there?"

"What are you-"

"Harry, come on, it doesn't hurt to check it out," I said, slowly but surely heading in the direction of a sleek black vehicle that seemed to be unoccupied only a couple yards away. "Would you rather stay out here in the open where anyone and everyone can see us?"

He opened his mouth to speak but quickly retreated, only sighing deeply.

I soon reached the car and hesitantly put my face up to the glass, looking inside to make sure that no one was there. And when I did so I only saw my reflection, indicating that the glass was tinted. "It's tinted, but I don't think anyone is inside. Otherwise they probably would have tried shooting at us by now."

"Is the door unlocked?"

"I don't know," I murmured, eyeing the door handle for a moment before reaching for it and pulling on it. There was a click and the door creaked open, allowing us access.

There was a sudden scream from nearby, causing the two of us to instantly crouch down out of sight.  The scream was followed by another, this one sounding like it came from a child.  All of this was accompanied by a gunshot.  "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure, but it doesn't sound pleasant," Harry whispered, carefully moving in front of me to ensure that I was covered.  He was kneeling down, hands on the vehicle's front tire and peeking his head out slightly in an attempt to see what was happening.  "Shit."

I gulped, not liking his choice of words. I grabbed onto his bicep in hopes of getting his attention. "Wait, what is it?  Harry?"

"We need to get out of here," he rushed, panicking. His eyes were wide as he turned to look at me, urgently pushing my body back which caused me to lose balance and fall on my bottom. "Aurora, get up, please. We need to go."

My heart was racing out of my chest, my head beginning to spin as I tried to stand up in a hurry. I was confused, and Harry was not telling me anything except to leave. "Okay, okay! Just tell me what you saw!"

"There's a guy with this really dangerous gun, and he's heading this way. I think this is his car. He shot those people who screamed. He killed them, Aurora. Now please, go!"

The color drained from my cheeks as I registered what he was saying, scrambling to get out of the area immediately.  But we were not quick enough.  I was not quick enough.

"Well, look at who showed up to join the party," the man smirked as he reached us, cocking his gun.  My body shook rapidly while he towered over us on the ground, ready to kill.  "You should have stayed in your house this evening, don't you think?"

"Harry," I croaked, wrapping my arms around him tightly out of fear as the tears began running down my cheeks.  "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, baby," he kissed my hair, hugging me close to his body.  "Don't look, okay?"

I nodded and sniffled, waiting for the sound of the gunshots that would end our lives.

But it never came.

I opened my watery eyes, staring at the man who was now lying in a bloody heap on the concrete.  His gun was on the ground too, knocked out of his hand.  He was dead.

"What are you two doing out right now?  Are you fucking stupid?"

Our heads snapped up to see a guy that seemed to be around Harry's age, maybe a year or two younger.  He stood tall and confident, leather jacket and a nose ring catching the eye, along with bright blue eyes and short fluffy brown hair.  He had a tough aura coming off of him.  A pocket knife was in his hand, a gun in each of his pockets.

"We didn't want to be out during this.  Someone fucked with our car while we were out doing last minute errands and it broke down before we got home," Harry explained, standing up and helping me do the same.  "We could ask you the same thing, but I think your appearance explains it."

"Don't be a smart ass," he warned, wiping the blood from his knife into his worn jeans.  "Is that why you guys were trying to steal my car?"

"This is yours?" I asked, surprised.  "We weren't trying to steal it, we just wanted to hide.  We've almost been killed three times already in the past hour."

The boy laughed, "That isn't a shocker."  He looked around the area once and got into his car, turning on the engine and rolling down the window to stare at us blankly.  "Are you coming?  Or are you waiting for someone?"

"Where are you going?" Harry asked suspiciously, eyeing him closely.  Sure, he may have saved us from that guy but how do we know that he didn't do that just so he could have us for himself?  You can't trust anyone nowadays, especially during this time of year.

"Why does it matter?" he retorted, lighting a cigarette and puffing a smoke.  "Listen, I'm not going to kill you.  I'm only out here tonight to take my revenge on one person.  And that is not either of you.  Now are you going to get in the car or not?  Because if not I will not hesitate to drive away and leave you here."

Harry bit down on his lip and looked at me, silently asking for my thoughts on the matter.  I sighed and gave him a small smile, squeezing his hand.  "We'll go with you."

"Okay well hurry up then, I don't have all night."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring his comment and sliding into the backseat, Harry following suit right after me and shutting the door.

"So what is your name?" I asked, trying to start conversation as the boy started driving.  It was too quiet.  It made me feel uneasy.

"And I should tell you because?"

He sure is rude.  But he saved Harry and I from our deathbeds, so I shouldn't really be complaining about his lack of manners.

"I didn't say that you had to.  I was just wondering.  We're in your car, after all.  I thought the least we could do is know each other's names."

He scoffed, shaking his head and staring out the windshield intensely.  "Okay.  Connor.  Are you happy?"


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