chapter 2.

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A/N: So I know it's been forever since I last updated, and I'm extremely sorry guys :( My summer has just been really busy bc of all my summer break assignments and etc. But at least I'm finally updating again! And I'm also going to see the boys on Tuesday at their show in Milwaukee OHMUYGOD I'M SO EXCITED I CAN'T WAIT SO IF YOU HAPPEN TO BE GOING TOO HMU WITH YOUR SEATS AND WE CAN MEET UP MAYBE. x


We ran as fast as our feet would allow, not daring to look back at the men who would soon be attempting to purge on us.  We both knew that looking back would do us more bad than good, and that it would only slow us down.

After running for ten minutes or so my chest began to tighten, making it harder for me to breathe correctly.  I stopped and bent down, putting my hands on my knees while I tried to catch my breath.

It didn't take long for Aurora to realize that I was no longer beside her.  Once she did she ran back to my side, immediately reaching into her purse and taking out my inhaler.

"Here," she said, holding it out for me to take.  "Hurry."

I thanked her quickly and shook the small item before bringing it up to my lips, slowly breathing in the medicine.  I felt better almost instantly, but the relief didn't last for long.  I had stopped and caused us to lose precious time, putting Aurora's safety in more danger than before.

"Fuck," I cursed, giving my inhaler back to her and motioning with my hand for us to continue.  "Come on, they've got to be catching up to us by now.  Especially since they have transportation."

She nodded and tossed my prescription back into her purse before reaching for my hand, running alongside me.

We soon got into the city itself, tall buildings and stores starting to surround us on all sides.  The sun was also beginning to set, darkness and cold gradually filling the air.

"Where should we go?" I asked, breathing heavily.  Sweat was rolling down my forehead and neck, soaking my shirt with it.

Aurora looked around frantically, desperately wanting to see someplace that would hide us from those maniacs.  But there was nothing.

She let out a small cry and pulled at her blonde hair, panicking. "I don't know!  All there is are buildings and no one is going to let us in!  The purge is about to start any second!"

As soon as those words left her mouth sirens blared, dropping our hearts into our stomachs instantly.  The sound was all too familiar, as we've heard it at this exact time for the past three years.  The only difference was that then we were in the comforts and safety of our home, and now we were not.  We were defenseless and in complete danger.

"Are you kidding me?  What the-"

"Babe, please be quieter! We don't want to attract anyone that is out to purge tonight," I pleaded, spotting a dumpster not too far away from where we were standing out in the open.  "Now let's go, I think I found someplace to hide."

I glanced around hastily to make sure that no one was in sight yet and ran to my choice of a hiding spot.  Aurora followed in confusion and gave me the most disgusted look once she realized my plan.

"No, you're not being serious!  Don't you have any better ideas?" she asked hopefully.

I shook my head and lifted up the lid of the large waste basket, begging Aurora to get inside of it.  "I know that it smells extremely horrible but we don't really have any other choice, Ror.  This is the only available option at the moment."

"Harry, this is not a good idea!  If we sit in this dumpster I guarantee we're going to get found and killed.  This is probably one of the first places they would think to look because they assume that homeless people or people who got stuck outside would go in here, simply due to the fact that there is nowhere else around here!"

I bit down on my lip anxiously, my mind jumbled.  It was so hard to think at this point and under these circumstances.  I didn't know what to do.  All I knew was that she was right.  We were bound to die tonight if we set up camp in there.  But what else could we do?

"God, you're right," I muttered.  "Fuck, maybe we could run a few more blocks and find-"

I was cut off by the sudden sound of a gun going off, my immediate instinct being of to move in front of Aurora and shield her from any flying bullets that might have been directed towards us.

A scream escaped her lips, her hands shooting up to cover her ears.  "Get us out of here, please!"

I rapidly looked all over the place for the shooter, soon spotting him down the street.  It wasn't the men that were originally chasing us down, but an older guy who stood alone.  His stance was confident and tall, anger nearly radiating off of him.  He held a gun firmly in his hands, aiming it our way.  It was a horrifying sight.  I would be lying if I said he didn't scare me at all.

I gulped, my throat dry and hoarse as I forced myself to speak.  "Alright, hurry.  Come here."

It took me a lot of effort to get my legs to move, which felt like jelly currently.  I had never been put in a situation like this, so this was all completely new to me.  I wasn't sure how I was supposed to react, and I wasn't sure what to say.  I only knew that I needed to do everything in my power to keep Aurora safe.

"We just need to run, okay?  We need to run as fast as we can for as long as we can until we know that we're safe," I explained, pulling her in the direction that I wanted us to go.  "Do you understand?"

She sniffled, choking back a sob. "But we're going to have to stop at some point, even if it isn't safe.  You'll need to use your inhaler."

"No, you're not stopping until it is safe to do so."

"But your asthma, Harry.  You won't be able to take it-"

"Sure I will, I'll be fine, baby.  Now come on, we need to run right now."

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