chapter 4.

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A/N: SURPRISE im alive and actually found time to update!! if anyone is still reading this enjoy lolol there's a lot of humor in this chapter! and also Connor is Connor Ball, from The Vamps if anyone was curious to know


I watched Connor keenly as he drove, still not completely trusting him.  How could anyone trust someone that they met on the street while the Purge was occurring?  And although he had saved our lives, there was still something that I found odd about him.  And I remembered what he had said earlier, about how he was out tonight to get revenge on one person and one person only.  I wondered who that person was, and what that person had done to piss this guy off so bad to the point that the only way he would feel better was if he killed him.

"So," Connor started, eyeing the two of us from his rearview mirror.  "I told you what my name was, but you never told me what yours were."

I kept silent, not having any interest in sharing any of my personal information with a stranger.  Until Aurora nudged my arm and coughed, gesturing for me to do so.  I rolled my eyes.  "Harry.  And this is Aurora."

"Aurora, huh?  That's a lovely name."

"Back off," I snapped, instantly becoming annoyed.  "Listen, is there any way that you can afford to take a quick detour to our house and drop us off?"

He shook his head, nonchalantly denying my request.  "Sorry, bud.  I'm not making any stops unless absolutely necessary.  I'm on a time limit, here."

He had to be joking.  He was acting like he was taking us with him on a casual run to the grocery store.

"Harry, it's fine," Aurora whispered in my ear, taking my hand and squeezing it reassuringly.  "We don't want to get on his nerves.  He has weapons.."  

She was right.  We couldn't risk getting on his bad side.  We were defenseless, and he could easily put a bullet through both of our foreheads if he wanted to.  We didn't really have a choice on whether or not we wanted to obey him.  We had to do what he said.  So I caved in and sat back in my seat, defeated.

Connor smirked, plugging his phone into the AUX cord and opening up Spotify.  "Glad you understand.  Now, I hope you guys don't mind EDM."

"Not at all," I muttered, looking out the window.  Everything that we passed by was a blur, and I knew we had to be going at least 80 MPH down the road.  I guessed that was a good thing, because if we were going so fast then it would be harder for anyone else that was Purging tonight to get us.  Now hopefully he was an excellent driver.  Otherwise, we wouldn't need anyone else to murder us.  He would do it himself by causing a car crash.

"You two hungry?"

Aurora and I both looked at him with confusion.  Did he want to make a pit stop at McDonalds or something?  "No, are you?"

"I have a taste for a McChicken."

"Okay let me get this straight.  So you're willing to make a detour so you can get a chicken sandwich, but you won't make a detour to drop us off?" I asked, having a difficult time putting two and two together.

"It's a necessity."

Aurora laughed out loud at that one, and both Connor and I turned to look at her.  Her face turned bright red and she sheepishly stared at her lap.  He sent her a glare.

"I'm the one driving this vehicle, so I get to decide when and where we make a stop.  And I've decided that we're stopping at McDonalds.  I think we just passed one anyway, so we don't really have to go off route."  He slammed on the breaks, causing Aurora and I to jolt forward, nearly hitting our heads on the back of the passenger and driver seat.  He put the car in reverse, backing up enough so that he had enough space to make a U-Turn.  He did just that and continued back down the road in the direction that we had just came from.

"No one is working right now.  Everyone is off while the Purge is occurring.  So there won't be any McChicken's readily available.  Plus, the store is probably locked and everything inside is shut down," Aurora suddenly said, reminding us of something that we had forgotten.  "Knowing that, do you still want to go to McDonalds?"

He nodded, "It isn't that hard to break into the store and make our own McChicken's."

Within a couple of minutes we had finally pulled up in front of McDonalds, the store just as vacant and dark as Aurora had said it would be.  The parking lot was completely empty, with the exception of the car that we had arrived in.  Connor parked in the parking spot that was closest to the entrance of the building.  He turned the keys to the left, turning off the engine and unbuckling his seatbelt.  "Get out, you two are coming in with me.  I'm not letting you stay in here by yourselves."

"Do we have to?  I really don't feel comfortable doing that." Aurora was uneasy about the entire notion, fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"I don't care what you feel comfortable and uncomfortable with.  You're in my car, and if I tell you to do something then you're going to do it.  Understand?"

She feebly nodded, gulping and shakily unbuckling her own seatbelt.  I could tell that she was scared.  I wanted to help her, but I couldn't exactly do anything either.  I couldn't really stand up for either of us right now.  I unbuckled my seatbelt as well, hesitantly opening the car door and stepping outside, doing as I was told.

It was too quiet.  I looked around to see no one in sight, no commotion taking place.  There were no cars on the street, no lights on in any of the surrounding buildings.  The only light for miles was that of the street lamps and traffic lights at the intersections.  It was terrifying, and I felt as though something would happen at any given moment.  I shook the feeling off, having to be brave for Aurora.  I couldn't let her see that I had a bad feeling about all of this.  I put on my poker face.

"There isn't anything to worry about, alright?  We'll get in and out in no time," I assured her, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her cheek before pulling her closer into my side.  "I'll always protect you."

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