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I'm standing in the middle of a crowd of kid ranging from seven to eighteen. My childhood best friend, Everret Culvert is standing next to me, leaning against the fence that stands behind us. The camp director is going through the schedule an the rules. I'm not paying attention because I'm staring at two kids about my age making out a few feet from us.

How people do that in public I don't get. It's so intimate. It should be done in private. Something for you and your partner to enjoy alone. Not because no one else wants to see it or I'm trying to sound like an old lady, but because there's just a certain feeling to sharing that between two people.

I look over at Everret. He's looking ahead at the director, obviously listening what she's saying. His Amber eyes dart towards me for a second and he flashes that dimpled smile in my direction before turning back to listen again. I've known him since we were like 8.

Once he hit puberty, he went from this nerdy little kid to probably the prettiest person I have ever seen. It makes me mad sometimes just how pretty he is. I live with the fact he can get anyone without trying, while I am stuck looking like a drowned rat.

I'm not pretty, or even attractive in the slightest. Why he even acknowledges my existence anymore is a mystery. Like, everyone likes him. I just exist to make him look better.

   Someone taps my shoulder.  I look over to see yet ANOTHER pretty boy.

"Hey, I'm Bradley." His voice is as hot as his face.  I'm done. That's it. I'm done with humanity. Someone just stab me.

"Leo. But uh, most people call me Fork." I squeak out. Everret looks over. He looks a little annoyed. "Sup man. I'm Everret. But Leo calls me spoon." he holds his hand out to shake Bradley's, but when he grips his hand,he practically breaks it.

"Nice to meet you man. So.... Spoon and Fork? That's cute. You two together or something?" Bradley says rubbing his hand.

"No, no, no. We are definitely not together. Just childhood best friends." I have my hands in my pockets. Everret just chuckles and shakes his head before putting his arm around my shoulders."Well, Bradley, what makes you think we're together? Just the names?" He's got a cocky smile on his face and one of his eyebrows raised.

Bradley scoffs and sticks his hands in his pockets. "Well yeah, the names for one. And B, you're pretty clingy Everret. A little overprotective about Leo." 

I stare at him for a second. "I think someone skipped kindergarten. Bro just said one and then B. B isn't even a number. "

"Leo is basically family at this point. And our names were a joke that ended up catching on." Everret has his pretty little smile, that never fails to make someone at ease, no matter the tone in his voice.

"Now, Head to your cabins. We will have a bonfire at 10:30." The directors voice cuts through our conversation and me and Everret go to find our cabins.

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