Hey, wait up

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Leo's POV

"Hey, wait up." Brad hisses at us as we keep walking.

We didn't even invite them. Why the hell are they here?

"Don't be an ass Pendejo." Diego smacks Brad on the back of the head, and Bradley is suddenly blushing. Huh. Weird.

"Why are you guys even here?" Everret's deep voice booms next to me.

"Because you left the cabin. You aren't exactly quiet until you get out. Also, the floor creaks in certain spots." Brad says matter of factly.

"You make it sound like we sneak out all the time." Diego looks at him in annoyance.

"Maybe because we do."

Everret looks at me, practically begging me to get them to leave.

"The romantic tension between you two is ridiculous." I use my most judging tone, trying to sound as homophobic as possible, even though it hurts my entire being.

"Yeah probably." is all Diego says, veering off into the woods,  Bradley tailing him closely, trying to grab his hand.

Finally, they're gone.

"Geez. That was harsh. Especially for you." Everret looks at me, a grimace on his face.

"Got them to leave didn't it?"

"Well... Yeah but you couldn't just ask them?"

"No. Diego is determined to be my friend, and Bradley follows him everywhere. There would be no getting rid of them." a silence falls between us, and for whatever reason, it's uncomfortable. Different from our usual silence.

"Look, all I'm saying is that you didn't need to sound disgusted. You should probably clear it up in the morning that you aren't actually homophobic in case they got that impression you don't like gays specifically." Everret has a point. As usual. I'll clear it up later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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