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We get under the cover of the trees, and immediately, it's foggy. Leo walks a little closer to me, not wanting to lose me if the fog gets thicker.

It's tranquil. The crows cawing is even soothing somehow.

The moonlight seeps through the quickly thinning fog, making Leo look like a movie star in some coming of age movie. Or maybe even one of those horror movies where the white kid is always the last one standing, even though he's always shouting out stupid this and going towards the sounds.

He's intoxicating. Just the sight of him makes me want to cry. He makes me feel safe, even when we are the closest thing from it. He's always defended me. Like when I came out to my dad as Bi, and he slammed me against the wall, calling me slurs and telling me how disgusting I am. Leo threw him against the opposite wall. Even though he was half the night of my dad, there was an Intensity to him that demanded obedience. Even from a 350lb 6'4 man.

We walk in silence, enjoying the warm night air and each other's presence. The crickets chirp, and the fireflies fly around in a graceful way. I like the serenity of it being just us.

There's the sound of crunching gravel and leaves behind us. We turn around to see Diego. And of course, Brad. Great.

"Did you invite them Leo?" my voice is low, and he shakes his head.

"Hey, wait up!"

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