I call dibs on top bunk

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Leo's POV
I rush into the cabin, throwing my bag on top of an empty bunk. Everret walk in and sighs.
"I call dibs on top bunk." I climb up to my bag and he throws his stuff on the bottom bunk.
"You'll just end up cuddling with me anyways." he sits down and lies back.

"I will not! I'm not twelve anymore Spoon!" I look at him over the edge of the bunk and he smirks.
"You weren't twelve last year at camp Lightfolk either. You still ended up in my bunk almost every night." I throw a pillow at him and retreat up to my bunk, my face burning.

"You're the worst."
"You love me."
I almost don't retort because, it might be true. I mean, Ive always been attached to him but, that doesn't mean that I'm in love with him, right?

"I definitely don't." I feel a tightness in my chest as he goes quiet for a second. It only goes away when he chuckles and pops his head up to my bunk.

"That is such a lie. Don't lie to me, Leonidas Dawne." he smiles up at me. His Gucci eye bags making him look adorably tired. I chuckle and ruffle his hair.

"Never, Everret Cullens." I smile at him as he stares up at me.

"Okay, now take a nap. You look like death cooled over." I flick his forehead and he reels back laughing as he does.

"Wow! So mean!! Okay, okay I'll take a nap." I hear his bed creak below me as he lays down.

.❦. .❦. .❦.

It doesn't take long before Everret has fallen asleep. I don't sleep much. I'm generally running on 5hr energy ™ and iced coffee.

I decide to play a quiet game of Cards against humanity ™ with Diego, while Bradley and Everret sleep. I laugh a little too loud and Bradley stirs a bit. "Sorry Brad." I shrug and we go back to playing.

He gets up an sits with me and Diego. "Deal me in." Diego is about to protest but then I start Dealing the cards out to Bradley. It's funniest with a few people anyways.

We play a few rounds before a counselor knocks on the cabin door. I get up and open it.

"Time for bonfire. Director wants everyone there." the counselor says and then walks off. I close the door and shake Everret awake.

While we walk to the bonfire and sit by the fire. Everyone is here. It's weird. Almost  cultish.

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