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Everret's POV
It around midnight when I actually wake up. I only slept for a few hours, but I don't sleep well away from home. Unless Leo is next to me anyway. It's been like that since we were ten, always intertwined in some way.

To say I love him is an understatement. He's my everything. He's the oxygen that I breathe.

I can hear the soft shifting of his pencil on paper. He could be writing, but I doubt it. He usually does that on his laptop.

He peers down at me, and I close my eyes just enough to look asleep. His cute little smile is visible even in the dark. I wonder if he even notices when he does that. It's like an immediate reaction almost.

I lay there for hours, listening to him draw, or whatever it is hes doing.
"Ev, wake up." his soft voice calls to me around 4:30. I keep feigning sleep, but he shakes me again, gently though. Again, I fake sleep.

I can hear him sigh and pace for a solid minute before muttering a nearly silent, "fuck it" and coming over to my bed, where he lean in to kiss me on the forehead.

His soft mocha waves brush against my face and I can't help but pull him into me. We argue about getting up for a few minutes and I struggle not to groan or whimper as he tries to wiggle out of my arms.

"Okay fine." I finally say, letting him go. He immediately hops off of me, telling me to get my bag.

It might just be the light, but I swear that I can see him blushing. I hope it isn't just the light.

I grab my bag and walk out of the cabin, phone in my pocket, Leo close behind.

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