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Robin/Rob/Birdie/Dick/Ricky/Rick - 14 years old boyfriend of Wally and younger brother of Jaylyn

Wally/Kid Flash/KF/Walls - 16 years old boyfriend of Robin

Jaylyn/Jay/J.J./Lyn - 18 years old, older sister of Robin (J.J. stands for Jaylyn Jacobs Grayson)

"_" - talking (in most cases)

'_' - thought

*_* - action/sound

^_^ - texting/on call

(_) - author's note/comment

Jaylyn and Robin both grew up in the circus. Or at least Robin. When he was 5 and Jay was 9, their parents decided it was time to teach the two to be trapeze artists. Robin and Jay loved living in the circus, and it was Robin's dream (at the time) to become a Flying Grayson. Jay, on the other hand, wanted to do something better with her life, so she ran away and never looked back. At the funeral of their parents, Jaylyn managed to get in contact with Robin again. He shared everything that happened in his life, including his boyfriend. However, he heard almost nothing about how Jay's life was when she left. She refused to tell him. On the streets wasn't the best. She went through mental and physical pain, but she didn't want her life to be a burden to Robin. All she told him was that life "wasn't peachy."

Robin's POV:

"Wow, look at that moon." I sigh, sitting next to my boyfriend. "It's not the only thing beautiful here." He says with a smile. I blushed. "Haha, we've been dating for 2 months, and you still blush at my little lovey-dovey comments? How cute~" "Shut up, Wally." I say with a pout. He put his arm over me while I placed my head on his shoulder. Wally and I have known each other forever but started dating only 2 months ago. Where has the time gone? *ding* "Oh shoot, that's my phone. I gotta answer this, be right back!" I give Wally a quick kiss on the cheek before running inside. 'What do they want?' I thought.

Wally's POV: 

That was... strange. Right? Why would Rob need to run inside to answer a text? (Wally prefers to call Dick Robin or Rob) Is he hiding something? Or someone...? No no NO. Don't even THINK about that Wallace! You know Rob would never do that. I zoned out. I didn't even notice when Rob walked up right in front of me. "Sorry if I took so long, I got us more snacks." He smiled. "O-oh! No problem, Rob." I looked up at him. "I'd wait forever for you." I grinned. "You good? You look pale." He touched my forehead with a concerned look and then sat back down next to me. "I'm fine, just a bit tired." "Tired? But it's only..." He looked at his watch. "1 AM! DAMN IT! BRUCE IS GONNA KILL ME!" He darted up. "Can you drop me off at my place, please?" He nervously laughed. "Of course." I picked him up and ran to Wayne Manor. "Wanna sleepover? Bruce wouldn't mind." He asked with a small pout. "Sorry Birdie, but I promised Iris that I'd help her go grocery shopping tomorrow and she said she wanted to do it 'as early as possible'" I used air quotes. "Whatever that means." He looked a bit sad. "Ok... Well, meet me here same time as always?" He said with a grin. "You know it! Goodnight, Boy Wonderful." "Night my perfect Wally." We share a kiss before I went back home. I'm sure the text was nothing.

??? POV:

Ugh. Why isn't he answering?! I've been out here for almost 10 minutes and I'm getting cold. I look at my phone. "3:23AM?! Damn you, Ricky." He might be asleep. I don't wanna wake him up. The fact that he IS asleep is honestly a relief. Might as well make myself at home. I take out a bobby pin and picked the lock allowing me to go inside. "Huh, I'd though it'd be harder than that." I shrugged. Whatever. Now, what to do... Oh! A gym! I could blow off some steam. Maybe Bruce will come home later and I can say hi. Meh, I don't really care. I put my headband on and tie my hair up before I started punching the punching bag. (idk how to not make it sound repetitive)

Wally's POV:

"I'm home!" Iris came out and hugged me. "Where were you?! I was worried sick!" The concerned aunt asked. "Sorry, I dropped Dick off." She sighed. "Ok, good. You ok? And how's Dick doing?" "Yes and fine." I smiled. "So, what time do you go shopping?" "Oh, I forgot to tell you! Barry took me a few hours ago. So you are relived of your duties good sir." I laughed. "Why, thank you ma'am." I said bowing. "Wait, so do you mind if I go sleepover at Rob's?" "Not at all. Just text me when you get there and if you go anywhere, and when-" "I wake up. I know the drill. Thanks Iris." I hugged her and then ran off the see Robin again.

Robin's POV: 

I just got changed into my pajamas when I heard something. It sounds like... grunting. But who's grunting is that? Bruce is still out on a mission, Alfred is sleeping, and Wally left. I'm the only one awake. I wonder towards the sound but then hear the doorbell. I opened the door. "I don't want to buy any-" It was Wally. "Hey! Missed me yet?" He said smirking. "Always... Wait, what are you doing here? Didn't Iris-" "She went with Barry and let me come here." I smiled. "Great! But, come with me." I pulled him inside. "Geez, Rob, what was that for?" He rubbed his head. "Shh! Do you hear that?" We became silent. "Yea, sounds like grunting." Wally gets up. "I'm the only one awake, Walls. Bruce is still out and Alfred is asleep." His face becomes serious. "Oh shoot. What do we do?" I grabbed my belt. "We find out who it is." Wally nodded. "Sounds like it's coming from the gym." Wally pointed at the door. "It does. Let's head there." Wally and I walked cautiously towards the gym entrance. The sound was much louder and more distinctive. You'd hear words like 'damn it' or 'so stupid' every once in a while. "Ready?" I look at Wally. "Yep." We open the door to see a tall girl with brown hair in messy bun and workout clothes hitting the punching bag. She looks up at us with a sweaty grin. "Ricky! I've been waiting for you! Did I wake you up?" "N-no..." I turn to face a confused red head. "Uh... Rob, who's she? And why did she call you Ricky?" He raised an eyebrow. "Oh shoot. Does he not know your name?" The girl said covering her mouth. "It's fine. He knows, he just calls me Rob." "Phew. Good." When I look at Wally, he placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with his big green eyes. "Dick." I gulped. His voice was now low and serious. "What's. Going. On." A shiver was sent down my spine and I felt my body get covered in goosebumps. "So... I never told you, but this is my older sister." Wally was stunned. "YOUR WHAT?!" He said shaking me. "Sister. Name's Jaylyn, but feel free to call me Jay." She gave her hand to Wally for a handshake but was left hanging. "Ok... You must really be shocked." Wally grabbed my arm and dragged me into the kitchen. "Who the hell was that?" Scary. "My sister." "Ok, I got that. But where did she come from?! You never mentioned her." I looked at Wally. He looks concerned. "It's cuz she was barely in my life. We caught up like a few years ago, but it was all still so new. I also don't like talking about her." "Why's that?" Wally crossed his arms and leaned on the counter. "It's her story. Not mine to tell." He sighed. "Fine. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and we walked back to the gym. "Sorry, to intrude like this. Ricky wasn't answering his phone so I picked the lock and just stayed in here for like 30 minutes." She wiped the sweat off her forehead. "It's fine, Jay. Glad you're ok." She turned and walked up to Wally. Her shadow almost swallowing him up. "So..." She looked at him "You must be Wally." Oh no.

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