Overprotective Older Sister

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Wally's POV:

"Yea." I don't know why, but I was terrified. "Can I talk to you?" I look over at Robin signaling if I had his consent. He nodded. "Sure." We walk to the hallway. I look at Jay. She's tall. Taller than me. (Wally is 5'8, Rob is 5'4, Jay is 6'1) Looks like she also stays in shape. She's very muscular. "So... What'da wanna talk about?" I tried to break the silence. "My brother. I know about you two. He told me." My chest tightened. "A-and?" She came closer. I felt her breath. "If you EVER hurt him in any way I WILL end you. Touch him without his consent, I will end you. Break his heart, I end you. Make him cry, I end you. Do anything to him and I'll make your life a living hell." Her voice was serious but so threatening. "Y-y-yes ma'am," I said nervously. I knew she could rip out my throat without even trying. "Good~" She smiled. How the hell did she go from Batman to a sweet little angel in seconds? "And Wally?" "Hm?" I turned to look at her. "Thank you. For everything. You have no idea what you being in Ricky's life did for him. I never heard him so happy to see the next day." I was shocked and even blushed a bit. "You're welcome." She sent a soft smile with her bright blue eyes. They look like Rob's. Before she left, I grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Wait, I have a question." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Ask away." "How old are you? And how are you so tall?" I use my hand as a unit of measurement. "First, I'm 18. 4 years older than Ricky. Secondly, I inherited my dad's genes. He was really tall and broad, while my mom was shorter and more lean - like Ricky." That cleared some things up. "Ok. Thanks. I know it was random but it lingered in my head so I just asked." I shrugged. "It's fine." She chuckled. "Let's head back. He's waiting and it's getting late......" She looked at her phone. "Or early....? It's 4:00 am. How do I word it?" "Don't ask me!" We laugh as we head inside to see a sleeping bird on the bench.

Jay's POV:

Aw~ I didn't know he was so cute when he slept~ He looks like a little bird. "Ah, looks like he had enough for one night. I better put him in his room." The speedster runs and picks up Ricky. "Yea, good idea. I guess I'll crash on the couch. Mind getting me some blankets when you're done? You know this place better then I do." I rubbed my arm with a nervous chuckle. "No problemo!" He zoomed off with Ricky. "Better time him. If it's more then 3 minutes, he's definitely doing something." I start tapping my foot while I sat on the couch. Then a red blur appeared in front of me with two blankets and a pillow. "Got 'em!" He said with a toothy grin. I stood up and looked at him dead in the eyes. "What were you doing?" His face turned pale. "G-getting the blankets f-for you," His voice was very shaky. I showed him the stopped timer. "11 minutes and 34 seconds. For being a speedster, you should've taken no more than 3 minutes." I crossed my arms. "W-well you s-see-" I cut him off. "Look, I don't care what you did, but was he awake with knowledge of his surroundings?" He nodded. "*sighs* Did you have his consent?" He nodded again. "Ok, that's all I wanted to know. You're free to go." I gesture to the stairs. The red head was gone in seconds. "He better not do any funny business." I say with a growl.  

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