I dare you to...

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Author's POV:

7 years have passed since Jay had come to the manor. Some things have happened, I'm gonna catch you guys up:            

- Jay started dating a girl named Becky and have been together for 2 years (both children are gay-)

-Wally and Robin are still dating (not for long) and have been together for 7 years

-Dick is now Nightwing

-Wally is now the Flash


-Wally - 23 years old

-Robin - 21 years old

-Jay - 26 years old

-Becky - 26 years old (a month younger than Jay)

Let's get started~

Wally's POV:

"Where is it?" "Patience, Walls. It says it'll come around 10:30. It's 10:25." We were sitting on a blanket in the park waiting for a meteor shower that Robin read about. "Wanna play a game to pass the time?" Rob suggested. "Sure. What game?" Robin put his hand on his chin and stroked it. "Hmmm....... Oh! How 'bout truth or dare?!" His face lit up. "Ok, sounds like fun. You go first." Hell yeah! This is perfect! I can ask him if he picks dare. I looked at a small box I had in my pocket and opened it, revealing a simple ring. I wanted to propose. Honestly, I wanted to ask him to marry him the day we first started dating, but we were only kids. Would've been kinda illegal and illegal isn't a good look on a hero. "Ok, Wally. Truth or dare?" I smirked. "I'm no chicken. Dare!" Robin looked around. "I dare you to..... Oh, I know!" I raised an eyebrow. "I dare you to yell 'I AM GAY' in front of everybody over there. " He pointed at a group of people gathered in a cluster. "Damn you, Dick." I blushed and stomped towards the people and took a deep breath. "I AM GAY!" They were silent. I heard some chuckles, gasps, and heard one person say "Damn it." I ran back to a laughing bird. "Hey, it was your dare!" I said poking him. "Haha! I know, but it was too funny!" He wiped a tear. "Phew! Ok Wally, you go." I nodded. "Kay Rob. Truth or dare?" "Uh, yea I'm not picking dare after I did that to you. Truth." "Ok, then. When did you start having a crush on me?" I smirked at him. He blushed and covered his mouth with his hand. "W-well. *sighs* I guess after that mission where we stopped the Joker from poisoning everyone. I tripped and you caught me and when I stared into your eyes, I felt a feeling in my chest. I talked to Jay about it, and said I might have a crush." He looked at me with his wide blue eyes. "She was right." He said with a soft smile. 

A few minutes  and rounds passed and the meteor shower started.        

We looked up at the sky, holding each other's hands. It was beautiful. 'I'm gonna ask him. It's the perfect time.' I looked at Rob. "Last round. Truth or dare?" He looked at me. "Y'know what? Dare." I grinned. "What...?" I got down on one knee and opened the small box. Robin stood up and gasped. "Dick Richard Grayson. I dare you to marry me." Tears fell down his cheeks and he then hugged me tight. "Yes! I will!" He started to laugh and cry tears of joy. "Really?!" I hugged him back and kissed him. It felt like the world was empty and it was only us. I put the ring on him. "Beautiful~" He examined it. "Just like you, fiancé~" He blushed and looked back placing his head on my shoulder. (They sat back down) "I love you, Wally." I smiled and embraced him. "I love you too, Birdie." 

We spent the rest of the night holding each other as future husbands-to-be and watched the meteor shower. It couldn't have been more perfect.                                                                                                                                      

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