Welcome to the Family

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Robin's POV:

"Wally, stop taking all of the blanket!" I yank it, trying to cover myself. I don't know why, but my room is always so cold. "Oh, sorry! I didn't realize!" He loosened his grip and turned to face me. "Still cold?" I nod. "C'mere." He opened his arms and I shifted my body over to be wrapped by a living heater. "Ah~ You're so warm." He looked at me and smiled. "And you're so cold. No wonder you're freezing." I nuzzled my nose under his neck trying to get warm air, I then slowly started drifting asleep. "Sleep tight, Birdie." was all I heard before I was out.


Wally's POV:

"AH!" Robin and I woke up so fast. "What was that?" I ask while yawning. "Sounded like... Bruce!" Robin's eyes widened. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU ON MY COUCH?!" I look at Rob. "Oh. Jay." We both say. (hehe rhymed) We run downstairs to see Jay hiding herself in a blanket and Bruce holding a frying pan. What a great way to start the day. (another rhyme. i hate myself) "DICK DO YOU KNOW THIS RANDOM PERSON?" Jay got up. "RANDOM PERSON?! OH HELL NO! I AM A WOMAN YOU OVERSIZED BOBBLEHEAD!" She placed her hands on her hips. 'Dang, she's almost the same height as Bruce.' (Bruce is 6'3) Just then Bruce was about to hit her when Robin stopped him. "Bruce, stop." He froze. "Who the hell is she, Dick?" Robin looked back at Jay. "My sister. My older sister, Jaylyn. Call her Jay." Bruce straightened. "You're sister? I thought you had no other family?" He placed the pan in the cabinet. "Well... I never said I didn't, but I never told you about her." He chuckled. Now that I think about it, I wondered where did she come from?

Jay's POV:

So... What an interesting way to wake up. I mean, I don't blame him. I'd probably do the same thing. I walked out of the bathroom until I was stopped by the outgrown action figure. "Jay, was it?" He puts his hand out. "Yea," I shook it. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Bruce, and it's a pleasure to meet you." He didn't smile, but he looked... nice? It's hard to describe. "Nice to meet you too, Bruce." We stood there in silence. "May I ask? Where did you come from?" I stiffened. 'Calm down. He won't judge.' I put my hands in my hoodie's pockets. "The streets. Been living in them since I was 10." I shrugged. "Oh." "Don't worry about it, it's not like it's a sensitive topic for me. You're just being cautious. It's fine." He sighed. I did too. 'He can't know what I went through...'

Robin's POV: 

"Jay?!" Where is she? I leave for 5 minutes and she already disappeared. Geez. "Jay?" I poke my head into the guest bedroom where she was staying, the door was cracked. (Bruce had a spare room and let Jay stay there.) "Damn. Didn't realize I had so many..." She was there. I saw her brown hair touch her shoulders (her hair is shoulder length) and she was wearing a tight cropped black tank top. Scars? Why is there so many? "Lyn?" (pronounced lin) She looked up. "Lyn? *chuckles* I haven't heard that name in years." I tried to smile at the remark, but it felt forced. Jay noticed. "Ok." She huffed and put a red hoodie on. "What's up. I know a fake smile from you anytime." I looked at her and took a deep breath. "What's with all those scars, Jay." I pointed at her stomach. She looked shocked. "Well, what'da expect? I had to fend for myself to survive. But don't worry about me, these are old. I don't feel 'em." She smiled and sat on the bed. I was still standing. I was now a bit taller than her. "Don't worry about you? You're my sister! I'm always gonna worry! No matter what." I cupped her face and stared in her deep blue eyes. They looked like someone was drowning in them. "Tell me." My hands were still on her face but my voice was stern. She gulped. "T-tell you what, Rob?" She looked away. "I know something happened when you were away. Now tell me!" I was practically squeezing her face so hard her eyeballs could pop out. Her eyes then became soft and snowy. "Jay... Please." I was begging. "Tell me." She looked back at me with watery eyes. I never seen her cry before. I let go of her face and sat down next to her. "You see, Ricky. After I ran... I've lived on the streets. And living on the streets takes guts. Both emotionally and physically. Everyday I begged for food. And few years went by, and I got used to it. But, I'd always find myself in fights with the wrong people. These, *gestures to her stomach* are scars from fights I had. Some were nothing, but sometimes were serious. Till this one fight..." Her jaw tightened and formed a fist before looking away and wiping her eyes. "It's ok, Lyn." She rolled up her sleeve to reveal a long scar that went from her bicep to her forearm. "It got nasty. Guy brought a dagger, cut me on the arm." She then moved the right strap of her shirt to the side revealing two bullet marks. "A guy then fired a gun at me. Five times. Got hit twice though." Her voice started shaking. She slowly showed me her wrist. "A-and this one...." She paused. I put my hand on her shoulder and give her a loving look. "Some dude straight up b-branded me." Tears fell. "I-I got knocked out and w-woke up to some guy holding a h-hot metal rod. He p-placed on my wrist. Hurt like hell, I thought I was gonna d-die. And he just left me there. C-cold, alone, and crying." She was sobbing at this point, but I could tell she wanted to hold them in. "It doesn't even say anything! It's just some lines. It's like he was bored and wanted a doll!" She put her head in her hands. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Listen, J.J. (she has a lotta nicknames alr) you crying doesn't change my thoughts about you. You're not weak, you're not vulnerable. You're strong. The strongest. And I need you to know that." She smiled and hugged me. "I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't want to burden your life with mine." I looked at her. "You'll never be a burden. Plus, I owe you. You helped me with so much, it's the least I can do." I wiped some of my own tears. "Thanks, Birdie." "You're welcome, Blue Jay."




i found it very cute. 

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