Sam x Nanami

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The shop seemed more quiet than usual. Sounds of the overhead door bell were absent in the air. Sam didn't mind, not one bit. Meant more time for her too fool around and not bother with annoying customers. It's not that she hated her job, but it was the only one her Aunt would let her get. Sam's family had owned this sad place for decades and it felt like her whole future was tied to being the next generation to take over this stupid bread shop.

It didn't help that her friends came by to tease her. At least they bought something everytime they stopped by. It made her Aunt happy that she was bringing in costumers. Sam always worried her Aunt would start to make her advertise at college. The bell above the chimed forcing Sams attention from her phone to the costumer. Except this wasn't a costumer, and it wasn't human. Its form was liquid and green, constantly moving into holes inside of itself then back out again in circular motion. Seven hungry eyes looked back into Sam's. She was petrified. Afraid one twitch would set it off into her direction.

"It's rude to walk into a store and not buy anything
you know?" The door bell chimed again, but Sam couldn't see who had entered. The monster was blocking view of the entrance and Sam could only hope it was help. Gargles and whines imminent from the creature causing Sam to visibly cringe. It's goo splattering on the (just newly cleaned by Sam) hard wood floor. Sam must have blinked because before she knew it, the creature was nearly flattened on the ground with a blunt sword wedge in its biggest eye. The one holding the weapon being a blonde man in formal attire. An audible scream escaped Sam before she could muffle herself with the palms of her hands. Tremors finally came over her from fear, she had been holding still out of fear for a minute too long.
The man was thrown across the shop but landed on her feet.

Green slime tendrils shot out from the monster reaching for the man, and before Sam could witness anymore she ducked behind the counter. She stayed there for sometime, practically holding her breath till the nightmare was over. It ended quicker than she expected. Silence weighed heavy and Sam was still too scared to move. It wasn't till heavy foot stops could be heard moving to wear she hide that her nerves pierced her soul. Fear only worsened her trembling. "Miss?" Fear had been lifted off Sam like a weighted blanket. Deep air filled her lungs and she began to stand, only to have a hand offered to her. Sam looked up, and it was in fact the man who had saved her life. She took the hand quickly not to make him wait a moment longer.

"Thank you so much-" Sam almost sobbed, she hated crying in front of people but she could've been dead three minutes ago and if that wasn't a good enough reason to cry then she didn't know what was. Sam now recognized this was a cursed spirit, having read tales on the internet and story's from her aunties. This man must be a sorcerer. More like a savior. "No need to thank me." The man said, scratching the back of his head looking off to the side.

Sam looked to where he was looking and all gratefulness fled Sams being. The shop was torn to shreds. Walls and paintings were sticky with green slime. Tables and chairs were nothing more than splinters. And there was a giant indent on the floor where the monster had been impelled. Sam's eye twitched before looking back at the tall oaf. "I kept the damage to a minimum so repa-."

"Damn right there's no need to thank you!" Sam interrupted him with a quick shove. The man was taken by surprise. "Now I'm definitely going to have to spend the rest of my life working at this stupid fucking bread store no thanks to you!" Sam spun on her heel away from her 'savior' with crossed arms and an angry red face.

She began pacing, trying to figure out how to clean the place before her Aunt got back from her spiritual get away at the Izumo Taisha. The floor repairs would be the biggest issue while- "Can I buy something before I see myself out?" If Sam hadn't already been pissed she was now beyond livid. "Oh you're real funny-" "Nanami." The man named Nanami interrupted Sam who held back a snarl, her glare could send the big clown six feet under.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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