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Sam x (a slap on titan) Levi

6030 words

The old fashion office was dimly lit. Only a lantern and two candles illuminate the room. At the far center was a desk, a rather filled desk with not much space to spear. Papers were stacked somewhat neatly, pens and ink cartridges were scattered around. Levi rested his back against his chair, allowing all his weight to sink into the fabric. He was beyond stressed, something he felt more often than others realized. Lighting the rolled joint he slipped it in between his lips. Closing his eyes he inhaled, then exhaled. Levi didn't hesitate to kick his feet up on his desk, and throw his head back.

He still felt the remnants of what he was thinking minutes ago flood in and out of his mind. Levi was used to this. Though he wish they would slow down. Give him time to actually think of what he wanted, though his mind began emptying. The room became smoky, though the man didn't exactly care. He'd kick whoever complained about it in the dick. Considering how many fucked up people there were in the survey corps they would probably enjoy it.

Levi inhaled the rolled weed again, coughing the slightest bit. He leaned over his desk to grab the nearby chipped tea cup. Vodka watered down with tea. Just the way he liked it. The taste was bland yet spicy. Just the way his squad liked it.

Looking dead straight in front of him, he could have sworn he saw them sprawled upon the two office couches. It was just liked old days. They'd all get high as fuck in his office then see who could get the worse hangover. Whoever won got 25 dollars.

It was a fair deal to Levi. He'd always won of course because he was the best. He'd never admit how much he'd miss that. It was carefree. Making fun of all the idiots that looked up to him. Them kicking the shit out of the weakest. It was mindless fun.

Levi closed his eyes again and inhaled the white smoke. Feeling the herbs calm his nerves. Pills never did the trick. No matter how many he took. He almost over dosed when he was cleaning the hallway widows. She was a sexy slut. Last thing he remembered was the smell of sweet Windex and that hot foreplay he was engaging in with the glass pane.

Levi had no shame when it came to that. Everyone had their own kinks. Was he going to make fun of others kinks? Hell yeah. He didn't give a shit. It wasn't like they could do anything about it.

They were all dead. He didn't know why he thought of them again. Levi expected it to go away, but it didn't. They're gone. Good. He didn't care. Of course he cared why the hell would he say he didn't care. The absolute dread he felt when their lifeless body's were thrown off the cheap wooden cart. The pain in his chest when he laughed as the titan stepped on Petra's corpse. What the hell was wrong with him.

Levi spread his legs apart and unbuckled his brown leather belt. Unzipping his white pants he slipped the waistband down a few inches before pulling his dick out. Inhaling, he wrapped his slender hand around his girth and began stroking up and down. His mind wondered, first to Petra. Of course they fucked a couple of times, but he only liked her body. Her personality was too much for him- too caring, too independent, too sassy. When he wanted her to shut the hell up she got mad. When he wanted her to obey she would do the exact opposite. But seeing her body crushed against a tree. He couldn't describe the emotions that scratched they're way threw his every being. He missed her body. And her personality. She deserved better.

There was someone though. Besides the dead girl.
He's fucking hot. A beautiful blonde boy that made men and woman fall attracted. He was a slick magnet, catching everyone's eye in one way or another. He was popular with people and friendly enough. And thick.

Sam was incredibly good on the battlefield. Flying high above most and slaying the large humanoids to the ground. Levi had been riding his horse, keeping the formation while everyone else was dying like a bunch of weak bitches. Sam on the other hand, was flying high above them all, killing abnormals, 20 meters, and showing off his thick ass. God his ass was so thick. His cock got hard right then and there. It didn't help that his horse was moving right between his legs. Levi remembered how much he jacked off that night. It was fucking incredible.

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