Space Sex on Titan

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A gift for that same friend that's a simp for Levi Ackerman and space sex

"God fuckin damnit Dave."
Y/Ngroaned, trying to fix the tangled multicolored wires. It was a tedious task; something he'd rather leave to the other crew mates with more patience. Dave was in charge of wiring each panel within the northwest halls- of course this didn't happen according to Y/N current position.

Y/N had plans to sleep for a few hours, after spending most of his free time trying to fix wires. After this morning hangover he wanted nothing more than to sleep. He had gotten notice from Reiner, code name Blue, to finish this last panel, messing with his plans to relax. All he had to do was finish this last panel and he would be done for the day. If only people had the common curtesy to actually do there damn task Y/N would be where he was now. He regretted getting drunk last night-

Y/N lost his grip on the screwdriver he used to unscrew the panel, causing it to make a loud clank on the metal spacecraft floor. He hated how loud everything was when he dropped things- he knew he was clumsy but this ship was built to mock him.

Y/N sighed as he bent down to grab it, only for it to roll into an open wall vent. The purple astronaut glared down at the vent. All he wanted to do was sleep and this entire spaceship and it's crew mates were making it impossible. It was no help that his neighbors down the hall had to have sex every damn night.

Then again he couldn't help but be a tad bit jealous. He wasn't a virgin of course, but he hadn't had good physical contact in seven months of being in space. The last thing he even did on earth was suck dick and even that wasn't any good. Stimulating himself had become nearly impossible, no wonder his neighbors, Yellow and Blue went at it like animals.

Y/N once again sighed in frustration, getting on his two knees and crawling head first into the vent. He didn't have his space helmet on, which made things a lot easier. It wasn't exactly a requirement to where one, he only had his purple spacesuit on because he didn't get enough time to take it off. Reiner was very persistent when tasks didn't get done around the spacecraft. Y/N  even knew it was his footsteps approaching his room, the large blonde never failed to be quite.

Reaching even further, Y/N still couldn't grasp the bright yellow screwdriver. He had to go even further into the vent, pushing his hips up so that his abdomen would fit. The purple astronaut didn't exactly feel comfortable in this embarrassing position, but he knew it was necessary to fetch the tool. Straining his weak muscles, Y/N was able to grasp the screwdriver.

"Heh- need any help?"
Levi. Code name White. Y/N froze in place, his mind was completely blank. He knew how to explain the situation he was currently in, but the words failed to come out.

"Oh hey White!!"
Y/N voice cracked as he struggled to get his upper half out of the vent. Only to find out- he was stuck.

"You know you aren't supposed to go into vents right?"
Y/N questioned. He shamelessly bit his lip, not hesitating to look at Y/N ass. Even in a spacesuit he could still pull it off. White wanted to grasp it in his hands, grope the thick flesh and hear the affirmations that came from it. Such imaginations were quickly interrupted-

"Sh-shit I'm stuck!"
Y/N began to panic, shifting his hips to try and escape the tight metal grips of the vent. Levi only leaned against the wall, and watched him struggle. Hearing his small whimpers as he tried to get out where most enjoyable.

"Hey, deep breaths okay? Don't freak out-"
Levi said, leaving his spot on the wall and grabbing Y/N's hips. They were sharp, yet curved. He was perfectly shaped, in a way that Levi had never seen in this position. Purples thighs were thick, especially when they were straining to keep his weight up.

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