Chapter 12

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My phone pinged with a notification. I opened it to see there was a message from Alia.
"Any updates about your love life?"
I sighed looking at her message. Why is she so interested in me?
"Alia. FYI I have come out with Aditi and not Atharv. Text me again and I'll stab you" I replied back.
The message was seen but I received no reply. Thank god.

I ordered a mojito and that's when a man showed up out of no where and took a seat beside me. He gulped down almost half a bottle at once. I wondered what might be so serious.
I ignored him and texted Aditi again. It is for the first time that Aditi isn't replying to my messages. She always replies me within seconds. Even when it isn't about work.

I called her and she picked up the call.
"Aditi where are-
"Mam, please save me. Please-
She said while sobbing. Before she could even complete her sentence I heard a loud thud sound. Someone has definitely broke the phone.

Even in this loud music I heard her voice clearly. She is in trouble. She is definitely in trouble. I was so lost in these thoughts I didn't even observe when my glass slipped from my hands and fell on the floor.

I tried to calm myself and think where she is. She walked inside the bar. And I haven't seen her leaving so she is here. Inside. This bar is a huge one. It also had private spaces and rooms. Where will I search her? What happened to her? I got up and walked towards the stairs hoping she might be found in the private space as the environment here is calm and nothing seem to be dangerous.

I entered the second floor which is only for rooms. Where as the third is for food. The floor in total has 13 rooms and I wasn't sure where to search her. It has already been 15 minutes since her call and I'm damn tensed. I knocked in almost 6 rooms and checked in. It was all clear. I knocked on the 7th room but they didn't open it soon. The door got unlocked after my third knock.

Once the door got opened there stood a man covering the view inside. He was none other than Vikram. I peeked in to the room to find Aditi in a corner.

He was about to ask something when Aditi spoke in her broken voice.
" me- , she said.
When the mans facial expressions changed. He started closing the door but luckily before he did I punched him in the nose and kneed him in the ribs. I didn't bring a gun along with me so I have to be a bit more careful. I misplaced it in my car.

He hurriedly opened the drawer beside and pulled out his gun. He tried to shoot me but luckily I moved aside causing the bullet to pass away. He shot again and that hit me in the left shoulder.

All I could think of at that minute was about him and Aditi rather than about me and the bullet which is currently in me. He tried to shoot for the third time but as me being the gods favourite there were only two bullets in the gun.

I quickly glanced at Aditi only to find her fallen unconsciously in a corner which burned me more. Today was her birthday and this isn't how I imagined it to be. She deserves to be in a better place. If something happens to her I'm never gonna forgive myself. By looking at her state one can easily get to know that she was molested and abused. I wonder how much pain she has suffered. She would have been fine if I walked in with her.
I turned my gaze back to him.

He pushed me off and tried to escape. I kicked his legs which caused him to fall. Before he could get up and run somebody came in and aimed a gun at his head.

"NOO! Don't kill him" I shouted.
He gave me a confused look and I said aim for the knees. He smirked and shot the guy in one of his knees. His loud painful screams echoed in the whole floor. Yet no one cared to come out and give it a check. Maybe they are sound proof rooms I guess.

I didn't want to give him a quick death. I wanna take it slow. And I will. The guy who shot Vikram came near me and said "You're deeply hurt. You need first aid."
"I'm fine. We need to take her to the hospital" I said.
"Also you!" He said.
"What about him!"
"My people are on the way they'll take him to a safe place."
"I need him alive" I stated.
"Okay but first let's leave"

I managed to carry Aditi till the car along with him. When we reached the car he insisted that he would drive.
"Thank you for helping me"
"Don't mention"
"Who are you and what's your name?" I asked.
"My name is Rohan Rathore and my occupation is nothing you need to worry about" He replied.

The drive was silent and we reached the hospital in no less than 15 minutes. She was laid on the stature and taken into the emergency ward where as I was taken to a first aid room.

According to the way he speaks he seemed way too straightforward. Talks less but his actions speak more.
"Why are you insisting to kill him?" He asked.
"He doesn't deserve to live after what he has done. He is a fucking pedophile and moreover he is my friend's boyfriend. He is betraying a girl and abusing another. Such people deserve a slow and tortuous death" I said.


Heyy loveliesss I'm so sorry for the late update.
I have been busy with my schedule.
But I'll definitely update regularly from today.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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