Getting some things sorted.

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Hello. Thank you for clicking on this silly stupid dumb story of mine. It's gonna be bad, so enjoy.

So this Chapter is just to get some things sorted before the story starts.

This story is set in third-person, but is in the perspective of Y/N. Think of it as a movie where the camera is mainly on Y/N. Y/N is the reader, you, in other words. You join Kris, Susie, and Ralsei on their adventures, but this story is (obviously) going to be loads different from the games.

Y/N looks like a regular human, but somethings.. off. You, the reader, can decide what makes Y/N different from a regular human. Maybe they have a third eye, or a tail, or something similar. It all depends on what the reader want's Y/N to look like. Also, even though you're technically a monster, you can still bleed, as you still have human qualities. (shut up I don't care if you don't like it that way, its my book)

Anyways, hope you enjoy the ride :)

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