Chapter 4: Bloodshed

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You grit your teeth and rush over to Sam again, attempting to strike him once more. Now the real fight begins.

(Credits to Konami and Jamie Christopherson. Fire song btw)

Sam easily blocks your attack, kicking you to the ground in retaliation. However, just as you're about to hit the ground, you put your hands down, and lift your legs up, kicking Sam in the chest HARD. He gets pushed back, staggering.

Now's my chance...

you think to yourself. You get back on your feet, and swing a punch at Sam. It connects. You strike again. Another hit. You then find yourself sending blow after blow at Sam, kind of like a barrage.

But, while doing this crazy chain of attacks, you get over-confident, and miss. In this small, small moment, Sam grips Kris's sword tighter, and swings up...

...cutting your arm off.

Well, he would've, but things must be different in this world. Perhaps it was how this 'Dark World' worked, or maybe it was your sheer determination to survive that kept your arm intact.

Whatever it was, it didn't make the blood flowing down your arm any better; you still felt immense pain. Sam follows up his assault by shoving Kris' sword's hilt into your torso, which causes you to stagger backwards. Yelling in rage, you glare at Sam, madder than ever. This is the worst agony you have ever felt in your entire life... but it fuels you, this feeling... it makes you more... powerful. At least, it feels that way.

You clutch the area where he sliced you, feeling blood between your fingers. Sam breathes heavily; he's been wounded just as badly as you, some would say worse. He then smiles, still breathing heavily, and stares back at you.

"I... I guess I underestimated you..." He says, clutching at his stomach. Guess you hurt him pretty bad there. "But it seems... that you did the same with me... heh heh,"

Sam attempts to see your arm, but still clutching your limb tightly, you back away, angling yourself. You refuse to let him see your arm. You refuse to give him that glory, that, that... that satisfaction, that he, indeed, did hurt you. And did it hurt like hell.

You continue to glare at him, seething in anger. In one last attempt, you rush at him, clenching your working arm, trying to hit him, to hurt him, whatever it takes. Sam gets in a defensive stance, but there was no point. You fall to the ground, absolutely exhausted, right in front of him. He looks down at you, displeased.

Sam: "Well, that was... unfortunate. I thought you had more fight left in you?"

You grit your teeth in anger. At this point, you have accepted defeat – you knew that you wouldn't win, you knew that you could no longer fight, and that hurt you way more than the pain that Sam gave you.

You: "Just shut up. I don't want to hear your voice anymore, just kill me already,"

Sam shakes his head.

Sam: "Why would I do that, when you seem like such a fighter? Survive this, become stronger, and fight me again next time we cross paths. I refuse to kill you now,"

You're about to ask what he meant by 'this' when he grabbed out a small object. Eyes hazy, you don't exactly see what it is at first, but then you realize...

It's your grenade. Sam smiles at your bitter expression. He throws around the deadly weapon, juggling it like it was a toy, and he was a mere child.

"Wh-what... where did you find that...?" You gasp.

"I stole it from you, remember? I was originally going to sell it, but I think I'll find more use in using it here, don't you think?"

"Stop.." you say, but you can't manage to say anything more. You hardly have enough energy to stay conscious, after all. Sam, surprisingly, does what you asked, and catches the grenade for the final time.

"What, you want me to use this thing? Don't worry, I will. I just like playing with my food."

Sam grins as he pulls out the pin. "But fine, if you want it so bad, here you go. Catch!"

You can only watch as he throws it into the air.

"Tally ho!" Sam yells to you as he runs off, laughing manically to himself. You crawl, trying to catch the grenade. There's a river nearby; maybe you could throw it in there? It's right in front of you. The most it could do is make the water splash up, right? You don't know for certain, but it's worth a shot.

The grenade lands, but luckily doesn't explode. You crawl faster, trying to grab the grenade.

It's only there... you think to yourself. C'mon, body, move!

You continue to move, trying to leap towards it. Your weak body cries out to you, begging you to just stop and rest, but you know that if you do it'll be your final rest. You almost have it... just a little more...

There! You grabbed it, finally. Using your good arm, you peg it towards the water. It lands, making a plop sound, and a couple seconds later, it explodes. A giant wave of water follows, crashing down onto the earth's surface. It covers the trees, the grass, and of course, you. You are soaked, but alive. Thank The Angel that Sam was merciful, if anyone in their right minds would call that 'merciful'.

You think about the others, and if they were okay. You hope they were. You wonder if they'll ever find you, or even miss you, if you died here and now. You hardly knew Kris, you never talked to them in class. Susie, well... she was a bit scary to you, even though you'd never admit it. And that Ralsei person... he seemed nice, but you hardly knew him. Then, your thoughts shift, to Sam, and anger invades your mind.

You clench your fist in anger and slam it down onto the wet grass.

"Damn it all!" You yell. "I was weak! I got too confident; I thought I was winning! Now I have this weak arm, which I doubt I'll ever be able to use again!"

You keep slamming down your good fist onto the ground. Tearing out the scarlet grass around you, causing dents in the wet soil beneath your wounded body. Your fist began bleeding, your blood causing the already scarlet red grass go into a deeper hue.

But you didn't care; all you felt was anger, weakness.

And shame.

Your body's adrenaline diminishes. You suddenly stop slamming your fist onto the ground, and as your body gives out, everything goes to black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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