The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the ancient ruins of Aphrodite's sanctuary in Greece. Thor and Ares moved cautiously through the crumbling columns and dilapidated structures. Their steps echoed through the silence as they searched for any sign of Namira.

Thor's eyes scanned the area, his grip tight on Mjölnir.

Ares followed closely, his senses attuned to any disturbances.

The once opulent sanctuary long lay in ruins, the faded frescoes and broken statues telling tales of a time long past.

"Where could she be?" Thor muttered, frustration and fear evident in his voice. Ares merely grunted in response, his gaze flickering from shadow to shadow, his temper close to the surface as his own frustration grew.

As they delved deeper into the sanctuary they discovered hidden passages beneath the overgrown foliage. Ancient stones slid away after Ares's powers brushed over them and undid the wards keeping the entree shut. As the stones parted, they revealed dark corridors that led to forgotten chambers. The air was thick with the scent of decay and cobwebs clung to their armour as they navigated through the labyrinthine passages.

The state of the underground passageway should've been enough evidence that Namira wasn't there, but Thor wouldn't hear it. He wouldn't chance it.

"Namira!" Thor's booming voice echoed, but there was no reply. Ares clenched his jaw, silently contemplating their next move. The search took them through secret chambers and concealed alcoves, yet the goddess of love and Namira remained elusive.

In a moment of realization Thor slammed Mjölnir into the ground, causing the stone floor to shudder. "She's not here. Aphrodite's sanctuary holds no trace of Namira."

Ares sighed heavily, his frustration mirrored in the furrow of his brow as he narrowed his eyes at Thor, "I understand this is frustrating, but let's not bury ourselves here over that, hm? No need to wave your hammer about. We must regroup with Artemis and Freyr. Perhaps they've had better luck in their search."

Thor nodded, muttering a soft apology for his reaction that Ares simply nodded at.

The two gods retraced their steps, emerging from the hidden passages back into the moonlit ruins. As they made their way to a predetermined meeting point, the sound of distant footsteps reached their ears. Artemis and Freyr emerged from the shadows.

"No luck," Artemis said, her bow slung across her back. Freyr's expression mirrored hers, disappointment etched on his face. Ares grunted in acknowledgment, "Aphrodite's sanctuary yielded no results either. Namira remains elusive."

Thor clenched his fists, frustration evident in his voice, "We must broaden our search. We have to find her."

Ares nodded lightly, "We'll separate and explore all locations. I don't believe any deity of my pantheon would take her here, to this location so important to so many of us, only to keep er in a hotel."

One by one, they left. Each with a mission of their own, one that brought on the least risk of insult, so that by morning they'd have hopefully found Namira.

Thor had explored both Zeus's temple ruins and Dionysus's, his angry determination to find her growing with each disappointing conclusion she wasn't there.

On his way to Apollo's location he felt that urgent impending sense of doom. He hated he couldn't sense her at all, not a single thing, but then, suddenly, he caught the scent of blood, Asgardian blood.

It was the only sign they'd had, but the fact she was bleeding caused a wave of panic to surge as the night's sky turned dark as a storm began to build.

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