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The atmosphere in Mount Olympus was charged with anticipation as the gods gathered to discuss the fate of Aphrodite's position as the Goddess of Love. The marble hall, adorned with intricate golden patterns, echoed with the murmur of divine conversations. Zeus, the mighty king of the gods, presided over the assembly, while the other deities took their places according to their hierarchy.

Hera, the queen of the gods and wife of Zeus, raised her voice to address the assembly, "We stand here today to decide who shall inherit the divine mantle of love after the departure of Aphrodite. Her beauty and grace have graced our pantheon for eons and we must choose a worthy successor now that we lost her."

The deities murmured amongst themselves, each eyeing the coveted position with a mix of desire and trepidation. Athena, the wise goddess of wisdom, stepped forward, advocating for herself, "I possess the intellect to understand the intricacies of love. I can guide mortals through the delicate dance of emotions and relationships."

Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, followed, asserting her claim, "Love is like a wild creature, untamed and free. I can nurture the wild passion within mortals and unleash the primal force of love."

Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, also stepped up, emphasizing the nurturing aspect of love, "Love is a fertile ground where emotions grow. I can cultivate the seeds of affection and help love blossom."

As the debate continued, the air grew tense. Just as the gods seemed locked in a stalemate, Ares rose from his seat. His presence commanded attention, and the room fell silent In anticipation.

"Why bicker among ourselves when there is an opportunity for unity?" Ares suggested, a sly smile playing on his lips.

It was clear in this moment that the God had a plan and one he was quite proud of, "We have formed an alliance with the Norse pantheon and their gods possess unique qualities and mantles like our own. Freyr is a fitting candidate to take on the role of the God of Love and Lust in both pantheons."

The gods exchanged glances, intrigued by Ares' proposal. Ares continued, "Freyr's entire being aligns with the nurturing aspect of love and his prosperity can bring boundless joy to the hearts of mortals. He has proven time and time again to be a master of his powers, possessing a wisdom that could be envied."

Finally, Ares added a personal touch that resonated with the hearts of the divine assembly. "Furthermore," he said, "Freyr and I have forged a deep bond, not just in alliance but in love. Our blood intertwines, symbolizing a unity that transcends pantheons between war and peace, the very basis of love. Let this union be a testament to the power of love beyond the borders of our divine realms and a further way to make this alliance permanent. We stand to only gain from exploring the options of uniting our pantheons this way and Freyr has already made it clear he wishes to remain with me."

The gods, swayed by Ares' eloquence and the promise of unity, agreed to consider Freyr as the successor to Aphrodite. The dedication of Ares to Freyr and Freyr's sacrifice of his home, both bound by love and blood, became a symbol of the newfound alliance between the Greek and Norse gods, ensuring that the flame of love would continue to burn brightly in the hearts of mortals across realms.

Zeus rose, demanding the attention of the gathered deities, "Before we agree to this, we will call upon a gathering of both pantheons to discuss this possibility, we will not make a decision until both pantheons have had the chance to speak in approval, or against it if they so wish. We both lack deities, the suggestion to merge and unite whilst in our own chosen place is one to consider with care. I shall call upon you soon, take your time carefully to consider this proposal. You are dismissed."

As the deities left one by one, Ares's gaze was solely on Freyr's, who smiled and blushed lightly even as Ares teased him softly, "I told you, it'd be hard to resist you. You are the very embodiment of love, of light. We'd be lucky to have you as a part of our pantheon as well as theirs."

It was Zeus who stepped up and smiled, "My son is quite smitten with you and perhaps that affects his judgement, but he is quite right, Hera and I have observed your work during your time with us and have seen the way you affect others. We would welcome you, but we must take the official routes to ensure everyone is on the same page."

Freyr nodded lightly, understanding. This could lead to greatness as the pantheons merge, becoming interconnected and strengthening one another, but he couldn't help wonder if his own pantheon would feel the same way.

As Zeus took his leave as well, Ares sat down on the chair dedicated to him in the Great Hall of Olympus and drew Freyr onto his lap, "If anyone doubts you, know I'll defend you, but I do not believe they will. You are a thing of beauty and perfection, I find it hard to believe there's anyone who doesn't see this."

As Freyr's blush deepened, Ares smiled. "Our union is blessed, but I have you to thank for allowing me to be myself, truly myself, without the illusion of the role I play. Thank you for looking past the stories, the attitude, and just seeing my qualities. I love you, Freyr."

Freyr smiled at this, "I don't require gratitude, I can't take any responsibility for taming the God of War, if anything, I am grateful you allowed me to play a role in your life. This, this union, it is perfect. I love you too, Ares."

Ares's lips curved into a light grin as he kisses Freyr, hard and passionately, "Let me worship you."

Freyr nodded at that, laughing lightly as the God of War immediately brought them to his room.


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