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Thor's home resonated with the hum of divine energy as Thor sought out his brother Loki, who still stayed there. Thor found Loki standing on the balcony, his gaze lost in the swirling cosmic tapestry above and for a moment Thor felt concern of what his brother might do out there.

"Brother," Thor began, his voice carrying both concern and determination, "I have been speaking with the healers and they say that Lethe, the spirit of forgetfulness, can cleanse your mind of the torment inflicted by Aphrodite. It can take away the memories that haunt you."

It wasn't entirely true, since he spoke of his own experience of seeing Lethe take Namira's and Freyr's trauma but recently.

Loki turned to face Thor, his expression a mix of defiance and pain, "No. I will not surrender my memories, no matter how agonizing they may be. They are mine to bear, mine to suffer."

Thor's brow furrowed, the concern deepening in his eyes, "Loki, you don't need carry this burden alone. Lethe can offer you respite, a chance to free yourself from the torment that Aphrodite inflicted upon you."

Loki's gaze turned steely, his voice cold, "You do not understand. These memories, as painful as they are, are a testament to my strength, my endurance. I will not let Aphrodite strip me of that. My body will never be free of the physical scars and marks she left on me and I will remember every moment receiving them."

Thor sighed, his shoulders sagging, "Loki, I only wish to see you free from this torment. You don't have to prove your strength to anyone anymore. Allow Lethe to ease your pain."

Loki shook his head, his long, dark hair cascading around his face, "I appreciate your concern, Thor, but I have to deal with this on my own terms."

As Loki slipped back into his brooding silence, just staring out over the land of Asgard, Thor knew that convincing his brother would be no easy task.

The question that lingered was which of them would be the most stubborn the longest.

Thor decided to seek counsel with his father. Entering Odin's throne room, Thor knelt before his father and spoke of Loki's trials, of the suffering he endured willingly to save Namira and Asgard from Aphrodite's wrath and the scars, both mental and physical, his brother bore to prove them.

Odin listened intently, his one eye piercing through the veil of time and truth, "Loki has served Asgard selflessly, willingly?" Odin questioned, his doubts evident.

Thor nodded, "Forseti, the god of justice, confirmed the truth of Loki's story, his suffering and his decisions. Loki endured unimaginable pain and torment to ensure Namira's safety and protect our realm."

Odin, after a moment of contemplation, sighed deeply, "If Loki has truly acted out of selflessness, then he has fulfilled his trials. The forgiveness of Asgard shall be his."

Thor felt a surge of relief, grateful that his father acknowledged Loki's sacrifices, "He refuses to let go of the memories, Father. He sees them as a mark of his strength. I fear what they might do to him in the long run if he doesn't let go of them. He's but a shadow of himself now.."

Odin's gaze softened, understanding the complexity of his son's pain, "Sometimes, the scars we bear become a part of our identity. Let Loki carry his burdens, for he has earned the right to define his own strength, if in time that means he has to let go of the memories, he shall and that'll be early enough. No one faces trauma the same way. It cannot be rushed, no matter how much we'd wish to in order to see loved ones in a place of greater comfort."

As Thor left Odin's presence, a mix of emotions welled up within him. Loki's journey had been tumultuous and though the scars remained, a glimmer of forgiveness and understanding had found its way into the heart of Asgard.

As he walked through the golden corridors, his thoughts were consumed by his brother, Loki, and the sacrifices he had made to secure the safety of Asgard.

Thor found himself on a balcony overlooking the realm, the cosmic expanse stretching out before him as he gazed into the vastness of the universe as his brother had. The stars twinkled, distant witnesses to the trials and tribulations that had unfolded.

He reflected on Loki's seemingly selfless acts, the trials he had faced willingly to protect Namira and Asgard. A swirl of conflicting emotions tugged at Thor's heart.

He admired Loki's courage and sacrifice, but a lingering concern gnawed at him.

"He may not even realize the full extent of what he has achieved," Thor mused, his eyes narrowing in thoughtful contemplation as he felt Namira move up behind him, "The trickster, always dancing on the edge of chaos, might be blind to the weight within his own actions."

Thor remembered the physical and emotional scars etched into his brother's being. It was a side of Loki rarely witnessed, a vulnerability that few dared to acknowledge.

"He faced his demons willingly, not for personal gain but for the sake of others," Thor muttered, acknowledging the depth of Loki's sacrifice, "But does he grasp the magnitude of his deeds? Does he recognize the redemption he has earned?"

As Thor continued to stare into the cosmic expanse, he couldn't shake the feeling that Loki, in his ever-elusive nature, might not fully comprehend the significance of his actions. The trickster was adept at hiding truths, even from himself.

"He carries the weight of his past, his choices and the scars he bears," Thor murmured as he felt Namira's arms wrap around him, a mix of admiration and concern in his tone, "Does he realize that Asgard sees him differently now? That his forgiveness has found its way into our realm because of him?"

He turned around to face his wife to be then, who kissed him with gentle affection, "He will. Once he is ready to face the world again, he will discover the blessing we bestow upon him willingly now."

Namira smiled up at the God of Thunder, "This journey, his redemption, it'll be worth it, for all of us."

As Thor enveloped her in his arms, Namira kissed him again as she was carried to the bedroom.


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