Chapter 1

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Why do people always treat people different if they look different? Or act different? Or are simply just different? They act like if you aren't blonde, model thin, and straight you don't belong. Or if you aren't a snob and know nothing at all and agree with everything the monarch/government tells you, you should be poor and mistreated. Or, the worst of them yet, if you aren't white you should be treated like dirt, maybe become a slave. I hate this country. My sister and I have been treated differently our entire lives for some pretty dumb reasons, of course all the reasons are dumb to me. My sister was born with a face disorientation and pink hair, both genetic mutations, or at least that was what I have been told my entire life. I was born with purple hair, so of course I wasn't treated as badly as my sister and also the fact that I had a very sheltered childhood and was homeschooled. Both of our hair colors change at the beginning of spring till the end of summer. My sister's hair would change into blonde, not that extraordinary and was the one thing that made her "normal", she hated it. Mine changes into a firey look with pink streaks in it, the main colors you can point out are sometimes the orange and always the pink streaks. I love my hair and wouldn't change it for the world even if I could because for some reason when we tried to get our hair dyed our hair would almost immediately go back to its normal color.

I wish people would just get over themselves. We were all created equally and I know that sounds religious and might make you stop wanting to read this; that is fine with me, this is just who I am. No one is better than each other. Back to what I was saying earlier. What's worse is that the monarch doesn't do anything about any of it, that's what really gets to me and you will find out more about that another time. That's one reason why people in my family, mainly my dad and sister, stood up for the people who didn't know how to use their voice, other people would say something like stood up for the people who didn't have a voice, but everyone has a voice some people just don't know how to use it. And why I am continuing on with what they started. I wish I still had them with me to help me, they were so much better at this than me. But I lost both of them within two years of each other. My dad died when I was ten, eight years ago, in a car accident. My sister died when I was twelve along with her husband in a shooting at a mall. They left behind three kids as orphans: twin girls that were infants and a ten year old boy that just started going to school with other kids. My sister was fifteen years older than me; my mom had her at a young age. With my sister being so much older than me it makes sense for her to have three kids and the fact that my sister had Braxton at seventeen. The twins adore me for some reason and act like I am their mother, it is so adorable and I don't get it. My mother tries to take care of all of them, but mainly is taking care of Braxton because the twins have me when I'm home. Oh, gosh that sounds kind of bad. But my mom loves all of them and is trying her best to raise all of them. Actually the twins' other grandparents watch them a bunch too, for some reason they never take Braxton with them. As you can tell my family is a hot mess, especially with all the loss we have had in the family. Maybe it is because Braxton looks too much like his dad and they can't handle it, now that I really think about it that is probably the case. Sorry, my mind started to wander.

These days I am making speeches and on the run from the king and his goons...I mean guards. Cue the shake of head and mouthing no. I guess that is mean, though they are trying to stop me from making a difference in this country so... I never use my real name for the speeches, neither did my sister or my dad, the public gave me one because I never even gave them a name to call me by. I always have a new disguise, if I keep the same one it would be easier for them to find me and I do not plan on them getting to me anytime soon. I love watching the king's guards trying to find me; I am always ten steps ahead of them, that might be over exaggerating things a little bit, and it cracks me up. The only people who know my true identity are my family, my very limited friends, I never really left my house when I was younger and have like two friends and one I don't even talk to anymore, and my video production crew. We go to a different place in the country to film live segregation, racism, discrimination, or whatever you want to call it. Then, they record me doing my speech on whatever we saw and the speech is made up on the spot, which is also live. It is a different place each time and we go to one place for about a week and then come home for between a few weeks to a few months to trick the king. There is no pattern, if there was then the king would have an easier time finding me. The monarch hates me, well they hate me when I am my other person. Or so I thought.

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