Chapter 8

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How the hell did she find out? I mean I know she is a witch, but she does not know how to use her powers. So it's not like she could listen in on someone's conversation. Hold on I think I have a thought. She's incredibly smart and has been known to hack our servers so maybe she hacked our cameras. Meaning she could have listened in on that conversation with my father without any magic. Why does she have to be so smart? But I am glad that she took the time to reassure me that she was not upset with me. Instead she was upset with our parents. That was very nice and sort of reiterated her feelings for me once again. She will not admit her feelings for me, but I know they are there. It's just a matter of time before she says it out loud. Her mom is going to be pissed at us. However, I'm sure Gracie is going to lay it all on her mother. If you piss that girl off enough there's nothing stopping her. She's a force to reckon with. Always has been and I'm sure now she'll be even more of one.

I make my way down to my father immediately, knowing I need to warn him that Gracie knows. He's going to think that I am the one that told her, but once he talks to her he'll know the truth. I know right now her mom is feeling the backlash. I wonder what she is saying to her mom. Maybe I should warn her mom. However, her mom kinda brought this on herself. Grace loves her mom so I'm sure she won't be too upset with her. I mean her mom is all she has had for the last few years besides the kids. I'm not even entirely sure how she got pregnant. Now when I found that out I was jealous and pissed. Knowing that the father wasn't around and just left her to raise a baby on her own. Granted she had her mother, but no father figure for the baby. I'm not sure if anyone really knows what the case is with that. But right now I need to go warn my father.

I speed walk down to my father's office and throw the door open. My father looks up startled at me and

that immediately changes to a look of frustration. "Son, you know that is no way to enter a room here." He states angrily. I just sort of roll my eyes at him.

"Father, you do not have time for me to be quote on quote proper. Gracie knows. She knows that she is a witch. I was not the one that told her. You might not believe it, however, when she comes down here after talking with her mother you will know." I simply state and take my leave.


I pick up my phone and take a deep calming breath so I do not immediately blow up on my mother. I dial her number and she picks up after a couple rings. "Hi, baby. How is everything?" She greets.

"Well hello mother. Is there something you have been meaning to tell me?" I question, but before she can answer I answer it myself. "Oh wait there is. I'm a witch and you haven't bothered to tell me." All I hear is silence. "How could you not tell me, mother? That seems pretty important to know during my entire life."

"Gracie. Please just listen to me. Please. Don't say anything else before you hear what I have to say." She begs.

"Okay, Mom. I won't say anything."

"Thank you Gracie." She pauses. "Now Gracie there is a lot you will come to know about the witch world. You will learn all of it in time, but to start with there was a threat to you and your sister when you specifically were born." She takes a deep breath. Now I'm really worried about where this is going. "I guess the older witches in charge could sense your power. They could feel how powerful you would be and since you and your sister both came from me they thought your sister might be the same, just less detectable. So they started watching you both very closely and even at a young age you were already showing how powerful you were. They then saw that as a threat especially with how close you were to the royal family.

"Witches are everywhere but the birthplace of them was here. And with how close you were with the royal family they thought if they ever found out about witches they'd try to use you against your own kind. So they made me stop letting you see them or else they would have taken you away from me and probably locked you away. I'm so sorry Gracie. I really wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I had to keep you safe. That was all I had in mind. I'm sorry, Baby." OMG...What the hell? I was in actual danger. Probably still am. Just not as much. Or maybe they have forgotten about me and all my power.

"Mom. I still wish you would have told me. But I understand and I'm no longer upset with you. I just really wish you still would have told me. It also doesn't necessarily explain why you were still hiding it. However, I won't press about that right now. I love you, Mom and I should have known that it was only with good intention that you did not tell me."

"Thank you, Gracie. You have no idea what that means to hear you say that. I love you, Baby." I hear a screech in the background suddenly and I just know one of those four kids is about to come crying to her. Well besides Ally who is just a baby. And in that same second, I hear someone calling for my mom. "Sorry, Honey. We can talk more about this later. But you know duty calls."

"I get it Mom. Hopefully soon I'll be able to help with them wild children." We hang up and I just take a deep breath. Now it's time to go yell at the other adults in my life that kept this secret from me. 

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