Chapter 5

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I have finally calmed down enough to do basic muscle movements such as standing. I get up off the floor and head to the bathroom to make myself look human again cause God knows how bad I look right about now. I avoid looking in the mirror as best as I can while washing my face. I use the bathroom real quick and wash my hands. I hear a knock on my door and start to debate on opening the door or not. I really do not want to deal with anyone right now. I suddenly hear, as I am debating, someone say "Miss Gracie, I am just here to bring you your lunch." That doesn't sound like anyone I really know so I guess I will open the door and get food. I mean I am pretty hungry. I open the door and let the maid that I barely recognize in so she can set the tray on the desk. "Thank you." I say as she leaves the room. She smiles and nods in response, closing the door behind her. The lunch looks really good, but now that I see food it instantly gives me a sick feeling. I leave the tray of food alone and fling my balcony doors open in desperate need for fresh air. I step out the doors and sit in the hammock in need of the soothing swinging motions. Now this is just what I needed to somewhat relax. I know Nathan's not going to give up, but hopefully I will not let him get to me especially after everything today. He knows I feel something and that is never good. God, I hate feelings. I need help, badly. I guess I know who I should probably call. Mom. I grab my phone and dial her number. She picks up almost instantly. "Hey, baby!" She exclaims.

"Hi, Momma. How's everything going there at home? How are my girls and Brayden?" I question her needing to know that they are doing fine and I didn't completely abandon them.

"Everything's fine here, no need to fret about anything. Just take everything in while you are there." She pauses. "Now I know you didn't call me just to ask me about everything so what are you really calling me for?" Of course, she could figure that; she knows me too well.

"I love you and I really did want to know how it is going. But..." Knowing she has caught me, I give in. "I need help." I go on to explain to her what happened and I can barely keep it together. All I really want, I realize talking to my mom, is to come home. But that is not an option, not one my mother mentions at least. She says all I have to do is stay here and wait for the ball to see who gets picked. She is pretty determined that I will get picked and then will be able to become queen to make a difference, however, I do not agree with her. I do not think I would make a good queen at all. I'm not prepared to become the queen. I don't think I ever will be. I also have three little girls to think about and my mom and Brayden. I can't just leave them behind and I don't know how welcoming the prince and his family would be towards all of them. I end the call with my mom after talking to all the kids and release a deep breath. I know what I need to do at least for today. I hear a notification go off suddenly, bringing me out of my thoughts. I look at my phone and see that it shows me that my laptop has a notification. I walk into my room quickly, knowing exactly what the notification was. The security cameras. I open my laptop and see a live video of the girls talking. If this conversation is anything like the last one then this is going to be good and will help a lot. "Why is he constantly giving her more attention than the two of us combined?" Barbie one asks, exasperated.

"Cause he actually cares for her." The other one states. "He probably can tell we are just using him to get to the crown and she does not seem to be like that."

"Oh, you really think that peasant girl really isn't after the crown, then you are almost as dumb as the prince." I roll my eyes. Yes because I am so beneath them. God, I can't stand people like this. They continue to go on about the prince and how unfair it is that I have "all of the attention". They then get on the topic of the crown once more. Is that all anyone actually cares about now? That stupid crown he will wear by the end of the ball? It's ridiculous how that is the only thing people care about when he is a person too, not just someone that brings power. I was using the wrong word when I said crown, I should have said title. Titles. This is what our society really has looped back to. It infuriates me. The prince might not be exactly my favorite person at the moment, but somewhere deep in my heart I do love him. However, that doesn't mean anything now nor will it ever. Anyway their conversation ends and I have great material to post on my website. I edit it and cut the video into smaller clips so they will fit on the website. Although, it can't go on the website yet. None of the videos that give too much information away can go on the website yet. Not until we get closer to the ball. Oh, joy. The masquerade ball. There's another knock at the door all of a sudden and it takes everything in me not to ignore whoever it is out there. But I do open the door and I regret it the instant I do.

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