Chapter 9

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 I storm down to the king's office knowing exactly where I'm going because Nathan and I would hide from his brothers there when we were kids. I throw open the door and look who it is. The king, alone looking a little stressed. I assume Nathan already came and warned him. "So this is what you were keeping from me the other day? What you've been helping my mom keep from me for years?" I exclaim.

"Yes, Gracie. You have to..." The king starts but I cut him off.

"No, I don't have to do anything. I know why my mom kept this from me to an extent. But the fact that you helped her hide it for 8 years is outrageous especially after you've heard about the bizarre thing that happened with your youngest." I calmly state. "Now I know your son had my back and I'm sure your wife was only following orders and who knows what the others even knew so you're the only one I'm getting angry with. And note that I'm not raising my voice at you. Even if I was, it'd be at my childhood father figure, not my king. I know you think there isn't a difference, but there is. You don't say stuff like you did the other day to your kids and at one point I was just another one to you." I look him in the eyes, raising my eyebrow, almost daring him to say anything. He just hangs his head for a second.

"Gracie, you know your mother is one of my closest friends. I just could not bear to upset her. But you are, I should have told you. Or tried harder to convince her to tell you sooner. I am truly sorry." He apologizes. I'm shocked he actually did it. He apologized. It's a miracle.

"I accept your apology. Now I must get going. I have some learning to do before something tragic happens on accident by my hands." I take my leave and exit the room running directly into the love of my life. I mean Satan. Wait Nathan. This isn't good. I got to get these feelings under control. "Oops. Sorry Nathan, I had not seen you when I was coming out the door."

"That was all my fault Gracie. I should not have been standing so close to the door. I apologize." He says calmly in his usual manner. Why in the world was he just lurking near his father's office? He knew I would be in here sooner or later. Nevermind, I just answered my own dumb question. He probably was listening in to hear me rip his father a new one. Or he was simply waiting for me. However, I'd rather it'd be the previous reason. Not the latter. "How did your talk with your mother go?"


I try my best not to overly stare at her as she describes how both conversations went, but she is so beautiful it's hard to not. Especially when I already know how both conversations went. How? Because I have access to the cameras without hacking them. Everyone upon entry is made aware of the cameras and it's simply for anyone's safety if someone were to try to break into the rooms we'd have footage of who it is. That is the reason why the lady's maids try to make sure the girls are dressed in the bathroom or closet. Especially since the girls might not necessarily be thinking about the cameras when changing. Now everyone who lives here just knows to get changed in the bathroom or closet because it has become so ingrained in us. But that is how I knew how the conversations went. Only our most trusted guards are actually allowed to watch any of the cameras, but especially any of the rooms where secrets or important conversations are held. Such as my father's office as well as the Great Hall when we are not having meals. Actually for certain meals with certain guests we have to have a specific guard watching the camera during the meals. It's a very intricate system that I only kind of understand. I'm sure Gracie knows all about it. "Uh, Nathan." Gracie's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I just got lost in my thoughts." I apologize. I just watch her roll her eyes at me and start to walk away. Of course I always ruin any moment I get with her. Man I love her and need this stupid ball I'm forced to have to come and go so I can just formally pick her to be my bride. I know that we are both young, but she is a mother and I'm meant to be the king who almost always gets married young. Plus, if I already know who I want to spend the rest of my life with, why wait? I don't believe in this whole exploring all my options thing. Especially when I have three options here. Two I have no interest in. People are still going to complain about the options I even have and the choice I make. Nothing is ever good enough. That's life though. "I'm quite glad things have been sorted out for the meantime. I know there is a lot more to be discussed with everything you have learned." I continue. "Your mom will have to teach you about how to control your magic and everything else. I know it'll all be a learning process."

"I hope we can start the learning process soon because I don't want to accidentally hurt anybody or anything. What happened with Nancy and the other two was unacceptable on my part. I could have hurt Nancy. I don't know what I would have done with myself if I had done so." As she is talking about Nancy, Nancy comes running up before I can console her.

"Gracie." Nancy excitedly exclaims. She throws herself onto her and it is adorable. I love watching my little sister interact with the love of my life. My idiot brothers come running around the corner seconds afterwards. Neal is even with them shockingly. Thought he'd be hiding away with his girlfriend. "Hide me, Gracie. They are going to get me." Nancy attempts to whisper to her.

"Okay, don't worry." Gracie then takes off running with Nancy in her arms and all you hear is them giggling and squealing all down the hallway to God knows where.

"What were you guys chasing her for?" I question my brothers. We all love playing with Nancy. When our parents adopted her we could not have been more thrilled to have a little sister around the palace to play games with and teach all sorts of other things.

"Just playing a little game of catch the princess." Noah answers. "Now if you excuse us, we have a princess to catch." And they take off laughing. My dad exits his office just as all of this is going down and just laughs at his kids. I laugh with him as I take off running after everyone else. I catch up with Nancy and Gracie in the library. I guess my brothers lost them. The big knuckleheads. Gracie and Nancy are sitting in a corner hiding away reading a book together. I lean against one of the shelves and just watch them for a couple minutes. Gracie looks up from her book for a second and sees me. We make eye contact and she gives me this shy, soft smile. And I swear I just fell in love all over again. Man, I am whipped and I don't care. I hear my brothers outside the room and Nancy whips her head up. "We have to hide somewhere. They're going to find us soon." She exclaims and hops down running away. Gracie immediately following her out of the library. I silently follow them and I see Gracie and her almost acting as ninjas from the stealthy motions. They are around the corner from me when my brothers appear next to me. I hold up my finger to my lips to them and point around the corner. I mouth to them on three then count down and we pop out from around the corner. "Boo!" We all yell and the girls shriek from us scaring them.

"You thought you could outrun us." Neal states in an exaggerated voice and scoops Nancy up. "Let's take the princess away and lock her away in her tower." We continue to play the game for like another hour. Gracie just fitting right in with my family. Granted she has plenty of experience with kids and has an active imagination like one does. It was like the perfect end to the day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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