Chapter 3

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I grab my writing things and laptop from my room and race back to the garden; I sit under the biggest tree in the garden and open my laptop. Once I am signed in to my laptop, I see that I have a few notifications from the security cameras. I programmed it to look for certain things for what I am looking for. I click on the first notification and it goes to a video of the two other girls and it looks like they are in one of their rooms. They are talking about the prince. "Why does the prince keep talking to that other girl? I mean why bother?" The blonder girl tells the other girl. "She really reeks of poor people." Is this girl for real? She is a rich, self-absorbed brat.

"Right? She doesn't deserve to be here. She is just a commoner and probably just here for the money." The other girl exclaims. I mean she is not completely wrong, but I have a bigger right to be here than they do. "She is also here to be a..." There is a word that she says that I will not repeat. "I mean have you seen how she has been dressing? Like could she get any more desperate." Oh no, I know she did not just say that about my outfits, I look closely at their outfits and I 'am' the one that is dressed like... I mean they are literally wearing dresses that leave little to no room for imagination because their dresses are cut that low, showing off their cleavage, and they have slits up their legs all the way to their waist line. "Yeah, but we are not here for much better. We are only here for the crown and title." The blonder girl explains and I pause the video. I smirk at the screen because that was just perfect. They just handed me the perfect video for my "revolution" on a silver platter. I watch the rest of it and they bicker back and forth for a little bit and then it is over. I save the video and send it to my crew with instructions for what to do with it. If you haven't guessed what my plan is yet you probably should be worried, but I will explain it for you: I will get as much information as possible while at the same time trying to get the prince to not want to pick me. I will be disrespectful, full of myself, and I won't be that sweet, innocent little girl he once knew. Right now he is with one of the barbie wannabes and later today he will probably go on a date with the other one. It was originally going to be one date per day, but he wanted to get to know us quickly, why that means more than one date a day, I don't know. Plus, there are only three of us so someone is always going to be left out everyday, but if it is me I could care less. I get up from my spot on the grass and gather all my things. I go back to my room and I am barely in my room for five seconds when there is a knock at my door. I groan. "Who is it?" I ask through the door.

"It is Nathan." He responds through the doors. I mumble under my breath about how he can't leave me alone, etc. as I open the door. I am about to curtsey for some unknown reason when he stops me. "Please do not curtsey. I have told you that we do not need to be formal with each other because like I have said before we have known each other for a long time. And weren't you the one yesterday that refused to curtsey saying that someone who could be my future wife should not have to curtsey?" I roll my eyes, but nod. I walk over to my bed and sit down.

"Did you need something?" I ask rudely. He looks surprised, however, I know it is just an act like when he was 'surprised' about my hair color. He really needs to get some better acting skills if he is going to keep acting with me in a room. Of course that probably wouldn't help anyways because of my mad reading people skills. Oh, that sounded so conceited even if I just said it in my head. But I guess sometimes you know what you got.

"I have a few questions for you. Actually just two questions." He pauses and I motion for him to continue. "First off, are you okay with going on a picnic date with me tomorrow for lunch?" Why does he feel the need to ask me when he can just command me to go on a date with him? Maybe he is working at an angle here. What are you getting at Sat... I mean Nathan. But on a real note what is he getting at here? What is he trying to do? I keep my expression blank on the outside, but in my head I am laughing so hard I can't breathe from my little inside jokes. I mean the names are so similar all you have to do is change one letter and take or add another one.

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