Chapter 6

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Nancy and I are in the gardens "meeting" each other and let me tell you it is a blast. We are having so much fun together and it is really making me miss the twins a lot. Nancy reminds me so much of them and I just want all of this to be over with so I can go home to them and my daughter. Even if I am enjoying my time with Nancy. She continues to tell me about herself and life in the palace. She really likes to think that she knows everything that goes on in the palace which I highly doubt is true considering she's not even four years old yet. She is very intelligent for her age though as far as I can tell. She's also very well spoken. Suddenly Barbie 1 and Barbie 2 come into view, just mine and Nancy's. I look over to Nathan and he doesn't seem to see them. "Oh, hey Princess Nancy!" Mackenzie exclaims as she gives me some major side eye. Doesn't bother me one bit. I'm not easily intimidated. I can feel that they are trying so hard to hate me, but they just can't. Like everyone else I've ever interacted with. "What are you guys up to?" She asks.

"We're 'meeting' each other!" Nancy happily exclaims. She grins ear to ear while Mackenzie and Addison just give her and each other questioning looks. Nancy goes on and on about what we were talking about and they just look so bored. I can start to tell that Nancy can see that and she starts to get upset. I can see that, but I don't know if dumb and dumber can see that. Nancy stops talking and I can see tears forming. That just pisses me off to no end. They decided to interrupt our conversation and ask her questions. Then, they can't even act interested in what this very excited little girl has to say. I really wanna make them feel how they are making this little three year old feel. I glare at them and suddenly they are screaming because of... Actually I don't know why they are screaming. Nathan comes sprinting up to us. He looks at them, then me and then Nancy. Then, realization dawns on his face. "Grace." He states calmly. "I don't know what is going on, but Nancy is okay." I look away from them and over at Nancy looking confused, not sad anymore. Then, almost immediately I calm down and the screaming stops. That was so weird. "Are you girls okay?" Nathan asks Addison and Mackenzie.

"What the hell just happened?" Addison shrieks.

"It was like tiny needles were constantly pricking my body." Mackenzie breathes out. She must be out of breath from all that so called pain. Nancy just rolls her eyes at them. Probably thinking they were faking it. Nathan on the other hand seems to think that they were actually telling the truth. But if they were telling the truth, where did the pain come from? How were both of them feeling it? Why did it stop when I calmed down? Was I the one who caused the pain? That's not possible. All I did was glare at them. But what else could have been? I start getting worked up and clouds move in. As I think more about the situation a storm forms. Nathan grabs my hand distracting me with his touch and I just want to melt into it. But I control myself. The storm clouds disappear. Odd. They came when I was confused and getting upset. Now that I'm distracted they are gone. Must be a coincidence. It has to be. Right? I mean what else could it possibly be? I mean I guess I could always be a witch. Not. Witches aren't real. There is no way that I am one. Unless they are actually real. But there is no way. I've never heard of anything related in the news about witches or anything like that.

We all head inside away from the gardens and away from all confusion and craziness. Nathan takes Nancy back to her nanny while Addison and Mackenzie turn to me. "What the hell did you do?" Mackenzie questions pointing an accusing finger at me.

"What are you talking about?" I exclaim. "What the heck could I have possibly done? I was standing there doing nothing." How can they accuse me of causing their pain?

"You and Nancy were the only ones around and the second you calmed down from being pissed at us for upsetting Nancy the pain went away. Now all we have to do is figure out how you caused it." Addison explains. They are both staring me down trying to get me to give them an answer that I don't have.

" Look, I didn't do anything to either of you. So please just leave me alone. Goodbye." I walk away from them and head straight to my room feeling very drained. My lady's maids are in my room tidying up. I swear they are always doing something here.

"Lady Gracie. We weren't expecting you so soon." Nadia states. "Prince Nathan just stopped by to let us know that we will not be required to get you ready for dinner because dinner will be in everyone's own room tonight." Great. I need a break from that family anyways especially with how drained I am today. They have caused so much drama that a break is just what I need at the moment.

"Okay, thank you for telling me. Y'all are dismissed for the night after unzipping my dress for me please." I exclaim. They unzip my dress for me after finishing what they were doing and leave my room for the night after they let me know a billion times that they are just one call away if I need absolutely anything at all. I love them and they are great and all, but I've been dressing myself for a long time along with all the other things they try to do for me. I change into a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt so I can be more comfortable than usual for the rest of the evening. You know the drill: time to spend some quality time with my notebook and hammock. I open my balcony doors to see the sun starting to set. Ah perfect timing. Now that I'm alone my mind starts wandering and as much as I try to suppress it the events from this morning start to creep in. Then, the ones from last night follow. I try my best to fight them off. However, that proves to be unsuccessful. Writing speeches or stories isn't going to distract me enough. How does all of this keep happening? Why did he have to tell me that he...he...he loves me? Why did all of this crap happen to my family? Why won't he just let me go home? He knows I have kids relying on me. Three little girls to be exact. Plus Brandon and my mom. My mom just needs my help and Brandon just needs all the people who he loves around him as he matures and life gets even more confusing. I need to get out of this palace. The problem with leaving is that I would leave behind the boy that has always had my heart. 

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