Chapter 4 - Y/n's Job Search in Hell

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Location: Y/n's New Room - Hazbin Hotel - Pentagram City


As the morning sun rises in Pentagram City, Y/n soon woke up by the sound of his new alarm clock that he slammed the snooze button with his own fist as he gets up to get himself ready for a brand-new day in Hell and this is the day where Y/n has to find himself a job in Hell, which is probably gonna be tough to find in a place like the underworld he's currently trapped in right now.

But at least he's got a room to sleep in thanks to Charlie as long as he pulls his weight around if wants to stay around the place for a long time as he is going to look for a job here in Hell that is the perfect choice for him.

Y/n: (Yawns then puts on his pants and shirt on) Christ! It's as hot as the devil's rectum in here? When did I move to Hell? (Realizes something) Oh wait. I am in Hell.

He then gets up to grab his leather jacket and sunglasses, until he notices the A/C is off.

Y/n: Why is the A/C off? (Turns the knob to make it work, but failed) Broken?

He then grabbed a blunt object and starts whacking the A/C a few times before it started working again.

Y/n: There we go.

Charlie: (Shouting from outside the room) Is everything ok in there?

Y/n: Yeah, the A/C was on the fritz, but I fixed it!

Charlie: (Shouting) Ok then. Breakfast is on the table by the way!

Y/n: Alright, I'll be there in a minute.

He then grabs his sunglasses and leather jacket before heading out the door, before he accidentally tripped on a loose floorboard and fell on the floor.

Y/n: Gah! Shit!

Vaggie: (Shouting) When you're down screwing around in there, I got some job listings for you to look for a job in Pentagram City!

Y/n: Jesus, woman.

He then got out of his room to go to the kitchen to grab some breakfast and Charlie managed to whip up some pancakes for breakfast, which Y/n haven't eaten them in a long time since he only had to eat breakfast burritos from Taco Bell and Egg McMuffins from McDonalds. Vaggie is also sitting at the table, looking up some stuff on her phone while drinking a cup of joe, ignoring Y/n as he sat down at the other side of the table in front of her.

Charlie: Morning.

Y/n: Morning. I see you whipped up some hotcakes. I haven't had those for a long time.

Charlie: Yeah, I hope you enjoy them. How did you sleep in your room last night?

Y/n: I had a good sleep, except for the faulty A/C and a couple of loose floorboards.

Charlie: Don't worry, I'll send in Nifty to fix that right up.

Nifty suddenly heard about a broken A/C and loose floorboards and immediately went over to Y/n's room to fix the problem.

Charlie: Oh, nevermind.

Y/n: Well, at least she's really dedicated to her work. (Grabs the Job Listings) I guess I better start looking for a decent job that have hiring in Hell. I just hope that I don't get fired after the first day like the other jobs I had to do back on Earth.

Vaggie: What? You gotta be pulling my leg right now?

Y/n: I wish I am, but I'm not.

Charlie: Why do you always get fired from every job you apply?

Y/n: This might surprise you, but every time I apply for a job, even in Paradise, Arizona, I do an amazing job and they just fire me after the first day on the job.

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