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169 15 55

TW: bullying, maybe trama, self harm, panic attacks, anxiety, violence, eating disorder, strong words, abuse, sexual stuff, rape, murder

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Sunhoon pov:
I saw how Niki closed his eyes after I took the bitch to her death place. He was all bruised up and not even by me or my friends.

She was about kill my soulmate...

I was there in time but...

Still he looked so helpless. I don't think I would do such torture to someone just cause of jealousy. Even thought I didn't know what I felt for Niki I was still mad.

His only mine.

But I picked him up bridal style from the floor and walked up the stairs case. I used my telekinesis to open the book self.

Thank goodness I got the door I wanted. But didn't the school know about this?

Or was this all just a coincidence...

I walked right and opened my room door I say with Niki now and close it behind.

Our dorm was nice when you. When you enter you'll see a long shared shelf that's all white with our stuff organized. And when u turn you see and big bed against the wall and a bed next to it on the left me and Niki now share. Next to the bed it a mirror that the door slides to put all of our clothes in.

Up to the end of the shelf and to the wall against the bed is a window wall that we can see the view of the city and stores with school and stuff. At the top were curtains that had a bit open. Our room was all white with some black and gray.

I put Niki on the white rug on the floor that was in a square. I didn't care if it would get all dirty. I am rich I can buy a better one.

He woke up and tried to get up with his to arms.

"Ow ow ow..." Niki said.

"Hey Niki you are hurt don't do that..if you move to much you will get hurt and more sore..." I told him.

I got a near by pillow and put it under his head so his head won't get a bigger head ache that he has.

I got the aid kit and got out some pain, relief and headache pills. "Here take this." I handed him the pills.

He took them and I gave him water that I had. When he swallow, it look like it hurt. I got bandages and some 100% alcohol and paper to clean him.

I knew this would hurt like a bitch but I need him to get better. I can't leave him like this. I even tho I can carry him with my powers it will take long and hurt.

"I need to take of your clothes so I can fix you..." As I said talking of the beautiful outfit he put on of the party that was covered in blood.

I took of the shirt carefully not wanting to hurt him but either way. "Ashhh.. ow ow ow!" Was the sound they came out of Nikki's mouth from the pain.

Then I took off his shoes gently and as well with his pants that had blood on it as well. "Oww!..Oww!" Was what he said with tears in his eyes with the pain he couldn't handle.

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