Seeing Him In High School

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 The very first day of high school.

Sweating nervously like a pig? Check.

 Butterflies inside my tummy? Check.

Hoping for non strict teachers? Check...I hope

            Ah, nothing better than a sickening Monday morning in August. With fresh  new clothes and supplies, my mom just simply kissed my cheek and sent me off the high school.. Great.

            Now I just had to find my history class Period 1... Room F332... Biting my nails I keep walking around, ignoring the cold stares from the seniors and juniors. Room F332...Room F332.. Reaching into my jean pocket I open up the crumbled up school map and analyze it. Just take a the..left? I do as it indicates but end up twice as lost. Sighing all the stress out I look ahead of me, just in time too.

            There in front of me walked Sebastian. My 7th grade profound crush. We both walk in opposite directions. Him back to the 600 building and me forward, to God knows where. Our stare inter locks with each other. My breath sucked away into the atmosphere. Just the sight of those clear blue-green eyes makes me die a bit inside. But as soon as he lifted his hand up for a wave I look straight forward and dash past him. Not now Sebastian..too soon...

With that I leave him with his hand in mid air, taking it back and he walks away.

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