"Remember Me Kidna?"

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Gritting my teeth I hold my legs together and shake uncontrollably. Come on clock..tick faster! While my English teacher kept on talking about the assignment due next class I only thought about one thing: Bathroom! 

 "So, do we all know what is due next class?" Like in rhythm the whole class responds a jaded 'yes' And just then the bell rings. Dashing out the doors, I grip on my Jansport bag and ran to the nearest bathroom. As I speed walk to the handle of my lovely destination I pull and seemed closed. Once again I pull, Closed.

 I grunt and run to class, just a couple of paces from the bathroom, now the real bathroom available was upstairs. UGH! Like always I dash past my Biology teacher and ask for the pass, she waves her hand already used to my request, when just as I was about to reach the door knob.

"Hey Kidna..." Says a male voice.

I roll my eyes thinking it was George, that douche bag. But as I turn to see who it was I see it was him. Sebastian. All thoughts of the bathroom fell off my brain and he was in the center of it all. My eyes widen, the only thing pulsing in my brain and chest was his name. His name: Sebastian.

"Oh, oh my gosh, you're Sebasti-"

"Oh, now you remember me?" He says in a mocking voice but with a hint of annoyance. I can know why. Though, I just breathe a sigh and just smiled like a moron I am. Just staring at his god like features. As the quite atmosphere swallowed us up, he finally broke the tension by opening his arms right in front of me. Welcoming a big warm hug. Just gazing into his blue-green eyes made me lightheaded but still rushed to his arms, accepting it with grace.

Once my chest hit his, it felt so hard and sturdy I just did not want to let go. I tensed a bit and put the side of my cheek on his shoulder. Just resting ever so gently. Smelling and enduring his presence. Until he finally lets go. He took a step back and smiled, a kind smile. So did I. But just then my deadly blather called upon the bathroom and I rushed past him and ran upstairs. On the way, re winding the whole scene that just occurred in my lovely life.

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