My Little Suprise

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 I know I've been an ass for not dropping it all. The grudge I mean between all us three but I just can't!

How could I?

I've told myself many times to never accept him again. To just push him away, into a cliff; so he may be out of my life for good. So I may live life fair in a smooth sail through out sea. Rather than be in pain, slim pain and ride waves and waves of problems and emotions. Why can't I just be norm-

Oh and there he is. That bastard! The one who thinks he is all that and ignores me and tries to convince himself he does not know me. In reality he certainly does! But I just simply, being me just play along with his gross some game. Two against two. But I just can't keep my eyes off him when he passes by me. I know I must have a 'Fuck off' mask on for him but deep inside I want to talk to him. To have a normal, human conversation. Is that too much to ask?! Is it-

And just then a sudden tap in my shoulder is made. I jump to it due to the touch disturbing me and my thoughts dissolve into liquid. I turn ready to punch the hell outta who ever dares to touch me during my rehab in the brain and see it was him. The bastard. My bastard.


“Hey” He says, just like that simple out of his mouth.

I guess its my turn. “H-Heeey!” Too much huh?

“How's life?” He asks.

“Hmm, you remember my name at least?” I say mockingly.

He laughs. Sweet laughter. “Yes Kidna Morell.” He bows down as if I was royal. If I was his head would be off. “Do you remember mine?”

I let out a sigh of laughter,if that is even possible. “Sebastian Herrera.” I smile. My voice even smiles for me. And he just looks at me, just for one moment. Ah Ha! Is that what this sneaky bastard does? Just looks at me with his sweet, delicate blue- green eyes and thinks I may just fall for his deep trance he puts all girls to? HA! Not to me Sebastian! But he just simply laughed at my expression and lead me forward. To walk around I assume.

It was still early in the morning. Too early to go into class, so we both walk around school campus. Sebastian and I weren't very close in middle school. Sure we had one class together but that wasn't enough to cover it up. I brought up his little sister he told me about back then. At first he was shocked to have remembered after two whole years. Boy, I must have sounded like a stalker for remembering for that long. But he didn't seem to mind. And I enjoyed that he didn't mind.

Along the way I saw many of my friends pass by me, all would wink at me and perhaps even giggle to one another. Course they would! Walking around with a guy like Sebastian, how could they not gossip about it? The first bell rang and we both look up. I had so much fun just talking about simple stuff in life with him, I lost track of time. He smiles, the kind of smile that burns me through the core and looks down to the floor. I grin and asked what was up.

“Can I ask you something?”

“S-Sure.” Hope it isn’t something awkward or maybe worse...

“Hm, You have a new boyfriend don’t you?”

What? A new boyfriend? Who could he possibly saw me with that could have been marked as a boyfriend through his eyes. “No I don't.” I let out a laugh, smooth one.

“Nah uh! Liar. What's the guy's name?”

I keep laughing “Who? Describe him for me.” I state. Lets see who he thinks I may be with.

“Well, he's tan just like you....He has dark you...”

Tan...Dark hair....Oh shit! “Jace?!” I croak.

His expression was priceless. “Yes..YEAH THATS HIM! Jace.” He says.

And right there I burst out laughing my ass off. “What?....Jace?” I say between laughs. Sebastian just stares at me, a blank kind of stare. Why doesn’t he see the humor in it? Jace being my lover? Psssh, not even when pigs fly! “I'm sorry, but Jace and I, there is nothing special going on.” I say finally stopping the laughter.

“Oh, it seemed like it, like the two of you..had...someth-”

“-Nah, not even in his dreams.” I spat.

“Not even in his dreams....What? He likes you?” He says mockingly. God, I love it when he mocks. His eyes gleam darker and his voice turns deeper. Like seducing his prey, luring her in.

“Huh, ask that to him.” I say. I had enough with Jace for a while.

“Woah, alright I will,” And a moment of silence was made between us. “And...Do you like him?”

My cheeks flush read. My brain tries to think of words to come back this bastard but all that comes out is “You're asking too many questions” A tone of annoyance.

He rubs his chin and walks around me “Seems like that is a 'yes'” Noo, seems like a punch in your face, that's it!

“Hm,” Is all I can truly say to him. Any more comments about it would give him more evidence of the truth. Of the feelings I had for Jace. Well, I HAD. Before the 'chaos' so I call it, began.

“Well..If Jace does really like you,” He says looking at me again with his mocking eyes. “He had nice taste.” And with that he hugs me lightly, and I hug back. His nice, lean body is felt through his plain red uniform. Gosh, I never want to let go; but eventually he is the one who brakes apart. Smiles his warm smile ans walks away from my life. The most I wont see him is for two whole months. Damn you summer.

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