Chapter 54. The Road

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Once they reached the ground floor, Kakume saw Linssen and the other Nostrade goons sprawled on the floor, although she heard a few of them moan in pain or breathe loudly, so she guessed Tam hadn't killed them for some untold reason. They rushed outside and ran. Kakume flowed her liquid blood into the lock of a car, and with a subtle twist, the mechanism yielded to her improvised key, letting Kurapika and herself get in. She ignited the motor and eyed all the buttons and levers. In truth, she didn't know how to drive, but she wasn't about to let Kurapika know that.

"Hurry up, Shuri! He just emerged from the building!", he pressed her. She shifted the gear lever and veered right into the car parked behind them. She winced and tried something different, which successfully propelled the car forward. From this moment forth, it was quite simple – just press on one pedal, and the car moves, push your foot into the other, and it stops. Child's play.

She floored it, swerving between cars with no regard for traffic rules. Kurapika was clinging for dear life on the dashboard, raised brows and eyes bulging in panic.

"D-Do you even know how to drive?", he stuttered, alarmed.

Kakume smiled radiantly. "I do now. Not bad for a novice, eh?"

Behind them, a large truck was gaining ground on them, Tam controlling its driver like a puppet master on top of the roof. They tore through the city with the massive truck at their heels.

"You need to go faster! Tam is closing in on us", Kurapika said urgently.

"I'm trying! I'm already stepping on the gas!"

Kurapika sighed, looking intently behind his shoulder. "Don't understand why you picked this one shoddy car out of all the ones that were parked on that street. A lot of them were much more suitable for chase".

Her face flushed in embarrassment. "Do I look like I know anything about sodding cars?"

Ahead of them were train tracks, and now of all times, the barriers were lowering for the train's passage. Talk about lousy timing. Well, I'm not about to give Tam the pleasure of capturing us right after we providentially got the slip, she thought, and started accelerating.

"No, Shuri. No", Kurapika started, the color draining from his face, and staring with big eyes at the approaching train.

"Yes!", she responded, an aggressive smirk on her face. She drove the car right into the train barrier, shattering the wood, and passed just before the train did, hitting the very back of their car and making it spin in circles on the other side of the tracks.

Kakume stopped the car for an instant, as they both let their heightened emotions fall down. They were both breathless and damp, adrenaline coursing through their veins. Kurapika looked at her and let out a small, incredulous laugh.

"You're crazy, you know that?", he said, affectionately. "Here, let me take the wheel. Really, I insist".

She blinked numbly. They changed seats, and kept on driving.


They stopped at a gas station to fill the tank of their stolen car, giving furtive glances to the people around them. The sun had set, and the summer night was chill.

"Where are we going?", Kakume asked Kurapika, her feet on the dashboard, feeling rather worn out.

He pursed his lips, wary. "I don't know. I figure we should just put some distance between us".

"Are we going to drive all night, then?"

But she noticed that Kurapika wasn't listening to her anymore. His eyes were fixed onto the screen of his phone, his jaw stiff and anger clouding his features.

"What's wrong?", she inquired, anxious. "Kurapika!" She quickly grabbed the phone out of his hands and looked down. A photo had been sent from an anonymous number...

Leorio was pictured in a warehouse, standing on a chair with a noose around his neck. A message was attached to it:

Meet me at the abandoned old textile factory on Elm before midnight. Fail to do so, and I will make him push the bench.

Her head was vibrating like a tuning fork. All my fault, she thought, miserably, staring into space. I got Leorio involved in my spat with Tam, and put him needlessly in danger. Kurapika too. No... I better find a way to leave Kurapika out of it.

"I'll drop you somewhere safe", she declared, swinging the door to the driver's seat open. Kurapika grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back assertively. He grimaced. "Are you out of your mind?", he questioned her. "There's no way in hell I'm letting you face him by yourself. Haven't you learned anything from the time he quite literally killed you? Strength in numbers!"

"One in a number", she insisted, obstinate.

"Leorio is my friend too. It's not your decision to take", he spat. "Move". He entered the car and took the wheel. Kakume scowled, but said nothing and sat beside him. Tam's words earlier had made them feel all tense and awkward around each other. Common goals allowed them to work together, but Kakume wondered if the damage could ever be repaired...

"There's a third party involved", Kurapika said softly, eyes looking straight ahead. "Nothing else would explain how Tam was able to acquire my personal cell phone number, to send me the message".

Kakume cocked her head. "Could be Linssen, possibly even Leorio. He's controlling him with his Nen".

"No. They both only know the number on my other phone. My work phone". He sighed and smiled weakly. "We lead complicated lives".

Who else, then? Who would give Kurapika's number to Tam? Think, Kakume, think. Who is acquainted with me, Tam and Kurapika? The Phantom Troupe? No... that's stupid. Wait! It couldn't possibly be...

"Hisoka", Kurapika suddenly uttered. "It must be Hisoka".

"Mother have mercy", Kakume said, rubbing her temples. "What is he planning, now?" Will he try to fight me, as he promised he would? He said he would come back once I had found something worth living for. She stole a glance at Kurapika, then redirected her gaze to the window, watching the landscape zip by. Enemies on all sides...

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