Chapter 65. The Cockroach

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"Make the call for me, Waif. Since you know this Kurapika, he will be more lenient and therefore more inclined to favor me over my other siblings", Tserriednich said.

"As you wish".

She dialed the number to Section 14, her heart hammering in her chest. Queen Oito's servant, Shimano, took the call.

"Prince Tserriednich would like to have a word with Kurapika in his personal quarters", she said, and waited. The woman put her on hold.

The prince appeared angry. "Tsk", he huffed. "You understand what that means, do you not?"

Kakume gave him a puzzled look. She didn't understand much about etiquette, in truth.

He continued on. "If he does not answer after one more minute, you will hang up".

She waited the full minute, as instructed, then she disconnected the call.

"This scumbag", Tserriednich announced, furious. "He's conspiring with another prince. I hope he understands the message... I will not tolerate this kind of insubordination from my inferiors. Making me wait, it's a declaration of war. He'll live to regret it".

He waited for an instant, and the corners of his twisted mouth quirked up. "Well, no matter. Words are wind. And soon enough, all of this rubbish will be nothing but smoke in the wind".


Three calls at the same time, plus a visit from another of Benjamin's soldiers? What do they want? Third prince Zhanglei, fifth prince Tubeppa, and fourth prince Tserriednich. I understand the first two requiring more information on the Nen Beasts, assuming that their security detail doesn't have any Hunters or Nen users in general, but Tserriednich? Shuri should be there with him... unless she is playing coy and hasn't made her knowledge of Nen known to him? No, that seemed unlikely. Knowing her, she probably used Nen gratuitously to get in his employ to begin with. In fact, he might insist that she teach it to him. Still... it might be his only opportunity...

"Shimano!", he commanded. "Have the soldier outside wait and tell the switchboard to take the call from the fourth prince".

He walked to the phone at once and picked up the phone. "I'm honored", a voice resounded, smooth as butter. "For you to take my call over Tserried's or Tubeppa's". Zhanglei?? Had Shimano betrayed us?

"I'll cut right to the chase", the prince said. "I would like to have as much information as I can about Nen. You are formally invited to my quarters as of this instant".

"I gratefully accept", Kurapika said, wary. He asked the operator to connect him to fourth prince Tserriednich, but no such luck – he had already disconnected the call. Not good.


"Are you sure you're ready for this?", Kurapika asked her uncertainly.

"Yes", she said. "It's time for me to face it".

They entered the clearing past the lush green forest full of twirly ferns and vines. She recognized them, and her heart swelled in longing. They ran to them, arms parted, welcoming them back into the village. Tears streamed down her face; she was so happy. Her mother was there too, Reira. She and Helwin had gotten married in the time she was gone, and she looked loved, complete. She was loved too, she thought, feeling blessed. Kurapika was looking at her, smiling tenderly, and she smiled back. Then he took his chain and stabbed her in the heart with his Judgement Chain.

"It's you", he said, revulsion in his face. "Answer me. Did you kill them? Did you kill her?" He pointed to her mother. A flower of blood bloomed where her heart once was.

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