Zack x Anna

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marswritezx  - Zack
Blair (femmeflower) mentions, so cute cousin moment!

While Zack had been with his twin, Zed and his little sister, Zoey all day, Anna has been spending the day with their older cousin, Blair. They've been panicking about talking to Zack about their feelings.

"What If he doesn't like me?"
"What If it turns out horrible and I ruin our friendship?!"
"What If he thinks I'm an idiot?!"
Anna had been rambling on, Blair was suffering through it.

"Anna I love you, I do BUT SHUT UP! Zack wouldn't let you ruin your friendship, anything i think he'd be glad you told him, no go! Go find him!' Blair said "Go get your zombie, you and Addi have a type" Blair said, crossing their arms

"Addi, also has or is dating Wyatt too, so You can't speak, Blair... you're dating Willa" Anna smirked

"Okay, you need to go!" Blair laughed.
With that, Anna ran to Zombie town, knowing Zack would be around there at that time.

"Hey...' Anna said.
"Oh Annie! Hi!" Zack smiles "need something?"
"I...uh...I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" Anna said
"On a date or as friends?"  Zack asked
"A date but if you want to stay friends, that's cool" Anna said
Zack smiled more, pulling her into a hug.
"Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you"

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