Aggie x Cay

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femmeflower characters mentioned.

Cayden had been madly, almost chaotically in love with Aggie since he met may have not been obvious to anyone, or even to him, yet but he was.

Cayden would choose her everytime, would pick her every time. Agatha made his day.

"I'm in love with Agatha Porter, I am in love with Veronica Agatha Porter" Cay said.

"Oh God, he's off" Kit said "Salem! Nikki!!" He said

The other two gay people had walked over "what? What do you mean he's off?" Salem asked.
"Oh christ what's with the Bowen's and falling in love with Caswell's and so forth? Who is it this time?" Nikki asked
"They're also in love with our siblings and you know it, or us." Salem said

"I'm in love with Aggie" Cay repeated.  "I gotta tell her, I'll see you three later!" Cayden got up, going to find her.. and what he saw was Agatha with someone else, he didn't know who it was or their relationship...and it absolutely hurt him....broke his heart...  but he walked over and did it anyway.

"Aggie, I...can I talk to you?' Cayden asked as he was in tears.
"Of course you can, what's up?" Aggie asked.
"I...I...I know we don't know each other too well or anything but I love you" Cayden said.

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