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Shindara dragged me up to the back of the house as I was trying to get back inside after Francis had left. I didn't know what she wanted so I just went with her.

"I saw you and Francis just now". She whispered, looking around trying to make sure no one was there.

My body stiffened! Did she notice what was going on?

"Were you telling him about me?" She asked and I nodded slowly, not having the courage to tell her yet.

She squealed and immediately covered her mouth so no one heard her.

"What did he say?" She asked me.

I opened my mouth and closed it, unable to form words. Just then, I heard my mom call me.


I have never been more happy to hear my name from my mom's mouth. She completely saved my life.

"Later". I told her and ran straight in.

There was one thing about my name. It can be called in different ways. I preferred Fade, it sounded more modern. Kemi sounds outdated but I liked it because Francis calls me that. Fadeke sounded rather local and only the older people called me that. As for Shindara, she was the only person that called my name in full Fadekemi.

I ran inside, leaving Shin Shin outside. I don't think I've ever moved that fast, I almost turned to flash.

"Ma" I answered my mom as I entered.

"Gbe blender yi lo si odo awon Francis". My mom said, sending me to Francis house.

T: Carry this blender to Francis house.

Eagerly, I carried the blender to Francis house which was just opposite ours. I knocked patiently waiting outside when I heard Francis shout from inside.

"I'm coming".

I smiled realizing he was the one coming to open the door. I just stood there smiling like a fool until he opened the door.

"Ah, Kemi, so soon?" He asked me, thinking I was there to read but then he noticed the blender in my hand.

"My mummy said I should bring the blender". I told him.

"Oh, that's true, my mom is having ours repaired". He replied and collected the blender.

Looking back inside to make sure no one was there, he planted a kiss softly on my lips, making me blush.

"Don't forget to come later ooo". He told me but I just stood there nodding like agama.

My insides were doing a break dance, trust me, it was better than Michael Jackson. How could he just kiss me like that? I bet he didn't know it was my first.

As he closed the door and went in, I just stood staring blankly at nothing. When I finally got myself back, I ran back to our house.

While at home, I helped my mom around the house since I'd soon leave to 'read' at Francis house. We would read though, just now that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, I think it would be different.

I was just working around the house, going in and out on my mother's command. That woman cam send somebody message ehn, it's worse since my older sister, sister Adetola had left home two years ago to study in Canada.

She was so smart that she got a scholarship. Anyways, being the only one at home, I did majorly everything around the house.

The moment I sat down to catch my breath, I heard a knock on the door.

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