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It's just been three days into the marriage, I couldn't have been more glad that I wasn't in love with this man because it would have been hell. He hardly said a word to me at home, well that's if he stays at all. The good thing is, I didn't care when I had Chike to keep me company anytime he was free.

It was a Tuesday morning and I was still sleeping, the sleep was so damn sweet until I felt someone tapping me. I rubbed my eyes as I forced myself to wake up. Lolu was standing above me and from the look on his face he was so worried.

Life hard my people! I began feeling this insane menstrual pain that I clutched my stomach, groaning!

"There's blood on the bed Dara". He told me and quickly held on to me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I didn't know why but it felt good to see him this concerned. I shook my head no and he began calling someone.

"Who are you calling?" I asked him.

"A doctor". He replied like it was the most obvious thing.

"No no! I have my doctor. I'm more comfortable with him". I told him and he sighed, ending the call.

I made a quick call to my doctor, although I had briefed him before the wedding so he understood. I've never seen Lolu that worried and scared. He never showed an ounce of interest in me.

He carried me to the car and God! The way he sped to the hospital, looking back at me every second in the backseat. I felt bad for him! When we got to the hospital, the doctor said it was a miscarriage as we had both agreed.

There was this mix of pain and anger I could see on his face, I bet he was regretting marrying me so soon. I cried and cried and cried, and insisted I went to my mom's house. Lol, as if! I spent the next two weeks at Chike's house.

After the miscarriage, Lolu changed towards me and began caring. Every time I thought about moving out since we still didn't register our marriage, I felt bad for him.

A year into the marriage, Chike reminded me of our agreement to leave after one year but I gave him the excuse that I hadn't saved up enough. The next year, his mother died and he was a mess, he didn't think itbwas the best time for us to get back together. The third year, Fadekemi came back and I wanted to make sure she witnessed me and her Lolu together. Chike was mad at me but eventually he calmed.

It wasnt long after Fadekemi came back to Nigeria that Lolu started misbehaving again, he begam complain about my so called trauma due to the miscarriage. He even suggested using condoms if pregnancy was what I was scared of.

"Never! Why would I be married and still be using condoms?" I had replied him, refusing completely.

"You know what? Fine! It's starting to seem like you just don't want to have sex with your husband!" I watched him storm out that day and he didn't return for an entire week.

It wasn't long ago I started suspecting he and Fadekemi but I wanted to be sure, hence, the reason I told Fadekemi about him cheating to see her reaction. That woman can act! Even though I didn't want Lolu, I just didn't want her to have him but when I saw Chike's wedding invite, I realized that was the end.

I had gone to his place very early in the morning to confirm it. I entered our house which we had bought from the money I had kept through my marriage with Lolu, it was the house we planned on living together after marriage and he was there all cuddled up with something bitch.

He sighed when he saw me. "Babe, give me a minute". He had told that bitch and kissed her on the forehead, right in my presence.

I had to hold in my anger before I commuted murder. He dragged me out to the compound. "What is wrong with you?" He yelled at me.

What was wrong with me? I raised my head trying to fight back the tears.

"Chike, you and I were to get married what is all these?" I couldn't help but cry. It was too much for me, he was my only hope. The man I actually did love, I wondered when it got to this.

He laughed mockingly, I felt stupid "You really think I'd marry you? You are a bad person! I only agreed to all that bullshit cos of money. I can't marry a woman like you". He told me.

I had never seen him that way, so emotionless. He looked at me as though I was nothing. My feelings, emotions, the tears I shed, they didn't matter to him as he asked me to leave.

"Don't ever come back!" He told me.

"Chike the house is ours! How about all of the money?" I asked him. If I was losing him, well, I couldn't lose it all.

"Damages! The house was bought in my name, money in my account. I'd take it as damages, for hurting me for your stupid revenge and all the money I spent on your sorry ass. You know, when I still loved you!" My mouth hund wide open, I couldn't find the words to say, I couldn't even breathe.

How did I manage to trust him that must, made a fool of myself! How did I manage to put it all in his name? I knew my only option was to hold on tight to Lolu and to do that, I had to see Fadekemi.

My plan was to apologize for everything and beg her to return to the US, I was going to be sending her some money yearly as child support as long as she didn't contact Lolu or tell him about the child but I had to meet this messed up scene.

My suspicion was right, she was fucking Lolu and I blamed myself for it. For sending him to her with my bad attitude. As we sat down talking about everything and revealing everything, I couldn't help but try my best to make excuses for myself.

It was hard admitting that I had lost everything! The easiest way was to simply make excuses.

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