"the receipt"

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I'd be lying if I said I fell head over heels when I first saw you. You were the one who was there, the one causing bits of mischief, the one who made those little miracles happen that no one else noticed. Time without you became longer and time with you was never enough. Suddenly, we were with different people. We were different people. But, our lives, however far apart, always managed to intertwine.

I guarantee we'll yell. We might make each other cry. Every now and then, you might slam a door in my face. But we can count on each other. You can count on me, and I know that you will always be there when I open the door again.

I want the challenge. I want the arguments. I want late nights on coffee kicks and vacations to islands no one's ever heard of. I want to live in a shabby apartment where we'll drive each other just the right amount of insane. I want to bring souls into this world who are just as nuts as we are. I want our graves twined together, because I now that nothing truly ever separates us. I want to embrace the tragedies, our histories, our crazy families. Things will change. They always do. But I want to wake up each morning knowing you will always be by my side.

The unknown was scary on my own. With you, it will always be an adventure. Ben. I don't think we're soulmates. I think that I like you and I want to be with you, and I want to take a risk for once in my life and see what happens. You in?


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