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All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure inventions.

This book is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and events/happenings, are all part of the author's fictitious ideas. Any names, characters, places and events that might resemble the other works are all coincidence.

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Short Reminder:

Please, Do not SHARE and COPY-PASTE each of the chapters to this novel to the other site. Plagiarism is a crime. If I find this from other sites such as fb which is very common to post nowadays, I'll stop writing from this platform for good.


"I'll be posting the short prologue neto if the reads and votes are gonna be 50. I hope everyone will vote after reading this and you can also comment down below para ganahan naman ako, since I'm still working on the prologue to complete and its following chapters. Please support me here for greatest appreciation and inspiration. Thanks in advance."

A novel written by: YuTanjiTreinran.
All Rights Reserved. 2024.

A Tale of Mistaken Dynamics (New-Ongoing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon