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* Author's Note: *
This one's abit of a sad one, this one is also based off abit of some of my personal experience in regards to health. Except I don't have an Anakin looking out for me.
To make up for this, the next imagine will be a spicy smut, just had to get some feelings out, haven't been doing the greatest lately. This whole imagine will also be in Anakin's POV.

Anakin's POV:

I shift uncomfortably in my seat as we patiently wait for the Doctor to walk into the office. Y/N looks over at me with a weak smile, I reach over and grab her hand, squeezing gently. This has been the third visit in a span of a week. She hasn't been feeling great for over a week, she hasn't been sleeping, eating, barely keeping herself hydrated. She hasn't been herself and it's scaring me. Only problem with these repeated Doctor's visits at the moment is that they're only providing her with temporary relief, so she might be able to nap or have something small to eat so she can get some form of nutrients into her body.

"I'm sorry, I know we've been sitting here for quite a long while." Y/N says apologetically.

"Don't be sorry, I'll wait for as long as it takes. As long as we can try and get some help for you to make you feel better okay?" I reassure her.

She sighs and nods, looking down at our joined hands, using her free one to play with my fingers.

"I just don't like that I have to keep coming back here to get some form of treatment to feel even the slightest bit okay or normal for a little while before the pain takes over again." She says in a whisper, not looking up.

I hate seeing her like this. If anyone had told me 2 weeks ago that this is where we would be at, I wouldn't have believed them.

"I just want it to stop." She says, staring at the floor.

I reach over and lift her chin, having her tired and sad gaze meet mine.

"I know, baby. I know you're exhausted, and I know you're in pain. But you need to keep fighting, we're gonna get through this, okay?" I plead.

Her tired eyes bore into mine, she gives me a small smile and lets out a sigh. She looks away as the Doctor walks in.

"Sorry to keep the both of you waiting." The Doctor says as she goes to take her seat, across from us.

She goes through Y/N's file briefly before setting it down and looking up.

"So, Y/N, I went through your recent history. I'm assuming today's visit isn't a follow up to tell me you're feeling any better?" She asks.

"No, I'm feeling worse." Y/N says, her face blank.

I watch them both discuss what's been happening over the last week and what's happening today, like the last 2 visits. The Doctor then stares at Y/N with a look of concern, which makes me feel a little unsettled.

"I am going to refer you to a specialist. I want you to use the new medication I have just prescribed you and how I have told you to take them, but they aren't long term solutions and you not getting any better isn't making me feel at ease. So I am going to refer you to a specialist, but before I do, I need to do some scans on your brain seeing as that's where the source of your pain is coming from. Once those scans are done, we can go from there. In fact, we can do them today." The Doctor explains.

Y/N nods and looks over at me. I nod as I turn my attention to the Doc.

"So these scans...what will you be looking for?" I ask.

"Well, anything abnormal really. We want to rule out any lesions, definitely make sure there's nothing sinister going on like aneurysms or tumors, nothing like that. The goal here is to have clear scans, because then we can try and come up with a pain management plan." She explains.

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