Phantom x reader stranger than you dreamt it

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That night you didn't end up doing what you had originally cane here to do which was sing. Instead you sat there and listened to the mans many rules. There were strangely a lot of them and the majority of them made little or no sense. However a select few did make sense. Like not going out every Wednesday night as that would be the night he would come to get you for your lessons. You didn't pay a huge amount of attention to what he was saying and before you knew it you were back in your bed sleeping the reminder of the night away.

The following day went by as normal. At 8 in the morning you were awoken and dressed, you were then escorted downstairs where you would spend the next 5 hours studying. At 2 you would be allowed free rone of your home which you spent in the loving sunshine. Once 9 o'clock came you sat down to dinner with you family and this was when the news was broken.

You had just began to tuck into your main when there was a knock at the door. This was surprising as not many people would visit you at this time of day. One of your servant's answered the door and your father got up to greet the guest. It was only at this point which you noticed an extra place had been laid out. You looked at your mother who was focused on her own food. While looking at your mother the seat next to you was suddenly occupied by an unknown presence. You turned and saw the face of Robin Harris. Now you realized that the spare place had been laid out for him. You smiled politely at him and he returned it. Another one of the servants brought a plate of food over to him once you're farther had sat down and the the evening meal continued. Your father and Robin both made casual small talk and you remained silent. That was until desert came

"So when are you planning to have the wedding?" Your farther asked Robins. This came as a slightly surprise to you. So he was getting married? This only created more questions like, who was he getting married to and what was he doing here?

"Well that really depends on when my bride wishes," he replied smiling at you. This was when alarm bells started to ring. You looked at your farther who was slightly stunned buy the look you had just given him.

"Ah. Yes I haven't quite told her the news yet," he admitted. You were still confused. Obviously they both knew something which you didn't

"What haven't you told me?" You asked slightly surprising your farther and Robin.

"Well (name). Robin and I have been talking and he has asked for your hand. In marriage," your farther explained.

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