Phantom of the opera x reader notes

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"Well (name). Robin and I have been talking and he has asked for your hand. In marriage," your farther explained.

"What?!" You yelled standing up and slamming your hands on the table surprising everyone around you. You were furious and for a good reason. How dare they plan your future without so much as consulting you. Another thing that annoyed you was that Robin didn't even ask you he asked your farther, you didn't even get so much as a 'hey wanna get married?' From him. Everyone was still stunned by your sudden outburst and when your farther opened his mouth to speak your didn't give him a chance to explain before running off up to your room.

A week had almost passed and you had barely came out of your room. You had completely refused to speak with your father let alone Robin, who had been spending quite a lot of time in your home lately. He had even tried to convince you to come out of your room but to no avail. You just sat on your bed, looking out the Window and letting the tears fall down.

Wednesday night had arrived and everyone in the household had gone to sleep, except for you. You were still sat up crying and you had begun to get a headache from crying so much. You heard a tapping at the window and sat up to see the phantom standing there. You had been so upset with your father that you had completely forgotten about him. You wiped your eyes and opened the window for him to get through.

"Ready to go?" He asked. You shook your head and sat back down on your bed trying to hold back the tears. But no matter how hard you tied a few still managed to escape. The phantom noticed this and an expression of worry spread over the visible part of his face. "What's wrong?" He asked slowly walking towards you.

"My father is arranging a marriage for me," you explained, "but I don't want to marry this man." You were genuinely upset and the phantom could see this. He wasn't entirely sure what to do so he acted on instinct. Kneeling down so that he was about your height sat on the bed he cupped the side of you face with his hand, using his thumb to wipe about your tears. Using his other hand he moved a few strands of you (h/c) hair revealing you beautiful (e/c) eyes. Only now looking at your face directly did he realize how beautiful you were and how much he wanted to protect you from ever crying again.

"Let me sort everything out," he promised. You look at him with eyes full of hope.

"Really?" You asked hopefully. He replied with a simple nod causing you to smile uncontrollably. Before you knew it morning came and you awoke in your bed. Your maid had not come to wake you yet so you led there. This is when you felt something in your hand, you looked and saw a crumpled up piece of paper. Unfolding it you noticed that it was a note and begun to read.

Dear (name)
Last night I realized something about you. I realized how beautiful you are and how much I wish to protect you. So I shall keep my promise and do what ever I possibly can to stop this wedding between you and the man known as Robin.
Singed Erik (the phantom)

A slightly blush arrived on your cheeks when he commented on your beauty. While reading the note you couldn't help but smile knowing that now everything was going to be okay. You led there with your eyes closed thinking about the phantom or Erik as. you wished to call him now. However you were brought back to your senses by shouting coming from downstairs. Slowly you opened the door and kept to the the location of the yelling and this happened to be inside your fathers office. Normally you weren't allowed inside so you remained outside and listened in through the door.

"Is this some kind of joke?!" The 1st man yelled. This man was obviously your farther, that much you could tell.
"What is?" The second man asked. This voice was harder to recognize as it was slightly more muffled then the other.
"This note!" Your father yelled as a reply. You gasped slightly looking at the note In your hand. Did the phantom leave more than one note.
"Let me see it," the second voice almost demanded. There was a sound of shuffling followed by the not being red out loud.

'This wedding between the young miss (name) and Robin shall not proceed. If you ignore my warning a disaster beyond your wildest dreams will occur.

A faint laughter could be heard once the note had finished bring read.
"O.G? The opera ghost don't tell me he's returned?" The second voice commented. 'Returned' what did he mean by that?

"That's exactly why I thought it was a joke. Perhaps an imposter," your farther reasoned. You were still confused, there was a lot you didn't know and you needed to find out.

"Perhaps we should take this note to the press?" Suggested the second voice.
"Good idea, then we can also spread the news of your wedding," you farther added. You panicked as you hear footsteps heading towards the food opening it knocking you flat into your butt.

"Oh my goodness! (Name) are you okay?!" The second voice asked in a slight panic. You nodded, looking up to see that the second voice belonged to none other than Robin Harris himself.

"Finally decided to come out of your room?" Your farther mentioned in a rather mocking tone. Robin offered you his hand to help you up but you denied it and stood yourself up thinking of insults to throw back at your fathers comment. But you decide to play the bigger person and say nothing, however that didn't stop you from glaring.

"(Name), please don't be made at me," Robin pleaded causing your glare to shift onto him.

"Oh why would I be mad at you?" You asked with a rather large hint of sarcasm. You glared at the pair of them once more before returning to your room to get dressed as you were still in your pajamas.

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