Season 8

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{irl}Matilda's pov

"Lets go we heree!!!" I get out of the car and take a breath of the fresh air. "Niles and amari seem to be having fun" noah comes up infront of me and romelo, I look over to see my cousin and Niles giving eachother piggybacks  runnig around and laughing like theres no tomorrow. I smile at how cute they little kids are "that finna be us soon" Romelo grabs my hand and yells lets go to everyone. 

Waiting in line <<<< we got here early but there was still alot of people there. It was now 10:30am 

-Time Skip-

"AY LETS GO ON THE FOUR PERSON SLIDE" noah shouts over to me Romelo and jake "ok Amari Niles Nelson and luke can go on it aswell" jake's little brother showed up later because he had a training for basketball.

As the group was walking to the water slide we were all about to go on  out of the corner of my eye I see bryce (james) talking to a girl eating chips and Im guessing her friends were annoying her sort of until one spoke up and got them to walk off. "MATILDA COME ON HURRY UP" jake yells out to me making bryce look over to me and wave, I wave back gaining a glare from melo "mati come here" melo calls me over an picks me up

-Time Skip-

"could I get ur snap?" we could all hear Niles ask amari "sure its Not_AMARI12"she conforms her snap and adds him back "I GOT HER SNAP" Niles jumps up and down with the boys while me and amari laugh at the boys actions "um lets go please I'm tired" I say sitting in the car "ur always tired mamas" romelo gets in the car and sits me on his lap "how are y'all not dating but acting like this?" jake speaks up from the front seat "we are dating" he smirks "what huh" I ask him confused. "Dw about it M" niles and amari finally get in the car "what were you guys doing? making out" noah laughs at nelson comment "and what were you doing nelson? texting the thousands of girls that u lead on" amari snaps back causing nelson to shut up and everyone else laugh "whatever can we just go" nelson crosses his arms and looks out the window

-At The Neumann's House-

"omg Hi Matilda niles always talks about you" cassie greets me as I walk in while amari laughs at what cassie said "off you go guys" noah waves off amari and niles. "yo luke nelson go play to 2k or some shit" jake advised his little brother making the 13 yr old and the 15 to up to nelsons room "alright lets go chill out the back" noah shows us to the backyard that had a pool trampoline and a undercover area with a BBQ and couches. "Matilda sit" romelo yells out to me as I run around with the neumann's dogs "coming" I sit on Romelos lap know if i sat anywhere else he'd get mad "you mad pretty" he whispers in my ear

-2 Hours Later-

"yo lets play something" jake spoke up from his chair causing the little kids to join "Ok I'll start a game niles whos ur celeb crush" luke starts the game "SZA SZA SHE'S SO PRETTY" niles screams which slightly scared amari before she agrees with him "my turn um nelson who's lana" nelson thinks for a minute before answering with "a girl I've been talking to" nelson scratches the back off his head "um matilda have you dated anyone here?" nelson asks knowing the answer that would come out of her mouth

OK SO kinda a cliff hanger but y'all finna be shocked with matildas answer. but heres the second update the next update will come out on friday! enjoy waiting to find out xoxox

not proof read so for any miss spelling

Where Did You Come From! -Romelo Hill-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin