Season 14

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Matilda's pov #After the Game#

"good job coop you did good" I say as were walking out of the place we were just in. Me and cooper were going to a party that was held by a friend later that night, Ismile at him and he hugs me. I feel at tap on my shoulder and by the look on coopers face I can tell who it is, "yes romelo" "let me ex-" cooper lets go of me "No first of all you short as hell the fact that im shorter then you and yet you still found someone smaller then me? and next the night you saw me crawl through cams window and later layed in bed with me did that mean nothing to you. What was I a rebound, you dont get to explain I saw what I saw and it was pretty fucked up so dont I LOVE YOU I REALLY DO dont come at me with that bullshit because be fr 'black men dont cheat' my ass its fucked up romelo if you want me back idk I have cooper hopefuly I can trust him. Because I put my trust in you and look what happened" cooper pulls me back making sure I dont do nun stupid. "we aren't a thing any more like where did you come from" I walk away making cooper jogg to catch up to me. Romelo should of never cheat on Matilda because it ultimately damages not only the trust and bond between him and his partner but also his own integrity and self-respect. Cheating erodes the foundation of a relationship, causing immense emotional pain and betrayal. It shows a lack of respect for the other person's feelings, trust, and commitment, and can lead to long-lasting consequences, including the end of the relationship. Moreover, cheating reflects poorly on Romelo's character, as it demonstrates dishonesty and a disregard for the values of honesty and loyalty. Instead of resorting to cheating, Romelo should focus on open and honest communication, addressing any issues or concerns within the relationship in a mature and respectful manner.

Romelo's pov

I fucked up big time. Matildas right i dont even know why I did it. Cam walks up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder "how bad" "really fucking bad" I turn around around an look cam in the eyes "i didn't cheat" "mk"

*A Week Later*

Cooper never imagined he'd find himself in such a peculiar situation. It all started with matilda wanting to get back at romelo, His ex best mate. In a moment of not thinking, Cooper blurted out fine—by none other than Matilda, the loud funny and very pretty girl from RWE.The news spread like wildfire, and before Cooper knew it, everyone in the aau comp was buzzing about his "relationship" with Matilda. While he initially laughed it off, the idea of fake dating Matilda began to take on a life of its own.One afternoon after a game, Cooper found himself sitting across from Matilda at the court, their basketball and vollyball in hand  but their minds clearly elsewhere. He cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence that had settled between them."So, uh, about this whole fake dating thing..." Cooper started, unsure of how to broach the topic.Matilda glanced up from her phone, her expression unreadable. "Yeah?""I just wanted to tell you that I think its more then just 'fake dating'," Cooper continued, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I mean, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything."Matilda studied him for a moment before a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "really?."Cooper nodded, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "yeah"As the days passed, Cooper and Matilda found themselves spending more time together, both in and out of the court. They'd walk home together, sharing stories and inside jokes along the way. Cooper discovered that beneath Matilda's loud and outgoing personality was a witty and compassionate person he enjoyed being around.One evening, as they sat on a bench in the park, watching the sun dip below the horizon, Cooper turned to Matilda with a question on his mind. "do you actually want to date like for real?"Matilda's gaze softened, and she shrugged nonchalantly. "I'd love to coop."Cooper nodded, taking in her answer. But deep down, a part of him couldn't shake the feeling, that he finally had matilda as more then a friend, and there was no way of romelo stoping it.The night of the AAU COMP party arrived, and Cooper and Matilda showed up together, playing their parts as the "it" couple of the evening. As they danced under the twinkling lights, Cooper couldn't ignore the way Matilda's eyes sparkled or the way her smile reached her eyes.When a slow song came on, Cooper took a chance and pulled Matilda closer, (too also piss off romelo)their bodies swaying in sync. "You know," he whispered, "this dating thing might be the best decision I've made."Matilda met his gaze, her cheeks flushing slightly. "same," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.And in that moment, with the music wrapping around them like a warm embrace, Cooper realized that sometimes, the best relationships start with a friend and ends with something real.

But matilda couldn't shake the feeling of Romelos eyes on her the WHOLE night.



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