Season 15

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Matilda's pov

As I sip the alcohol, it slides down my throat. I'm tipsy VERY tipsy and I'm trying to find cooper but someone stops me "are you drunk" "what does it look like hill" I smile rudely and walk away but he follows "stop following me" "you need to get home" "GOSH can I have night with out you near me" cooper an I lock eyes. I motion my head towards romelo. Cooper walks up and towers over both of us, "problem is there Hill?" He then turns to me with a concerned look "are you drunk" "why are you not" "matilda your 16" ok your 17 and I herd australia kids get drunk at 16." Cooper takes my hand and pushes romelo away before walking out of the party, And then calls some one. Cam pulls up "shit" I mumble "so miss M get in"

#The Morning After#

I wake up with a throbbing headache, my temples pulsing with every beat of my heart. It feels like a tiny construction crew is busy at work behind my eyes, jackhammering away at my skull. Opening my eyes is a challenge, as even the dimmest light pierces through my eyelids like a laser beam.My mouth feels like a desert, dry and sticky. Every breath I take tastes like regret mixed with the remnants of last night's indulgence. I reach for a glass of water, but even the act of sitting up makes my stomach churn. I force myself to take small sips, hoping it will ease the parched feeling in my throat.My body feels heavy, as if gravity has doubled overnight. Every movement requires a Herculean effort, and I can feel the weight of my own limbs dragging me down. Nausea washes over me in waves, and I know that even the thought of food is out of the question.My mind is foggy, thoughts swirling like a whirlpool of confusion. I try to piece together the events of last night, but it's like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. Memories come back in fragments, each one accompanied by a twinge of embarrassment or regret.As the hours pass, the intensity of the hangover begins to ebb. I slowly start to feel more human again, but the experience leaves a lasting impression. I vow to drink more responsibly next time, knowing that this uncomfortable haze is the price I pay for a night of excess. "Not so fun after all hey?" lavar walks in.FUCKKKK. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didnt mean it I-it just happened" "matilda chill" He sits at the end of my bed "here take this" lavar passes over some pills, THEN cam walks in "so tell me Matilda. Whats up with you and cooper" I rub my head "were dating" "mk" cam grabs someone and pulls them into the room after comes the camera crew. "Matilda how are you feeling" cooper walks up to me and sits on my bed "better?" I say but it came out more of a question then answer.

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